Wtf, is the disconnect between sales and dispatch?

Discussion in 'Prime' started by crocky, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Your reveresed load reminded me of another issue I had that I forgot about.. My second load as lease had 3 delivery drops but paid real well.

    1st drop was in Allentown, PA so I staged around the corner overnight the 03 was in NJ then the 90 was in Syracuse, NY. Well I showed up to the 01 an hour early to find out that tbe 01 was actually my 02 and the NJ drop was actually the 01... ( lesson learned to look at the bols closely as the bols were right but my dispatch order was wrong)

    I ended up hauling butt to NJ was 45 mins late but they were ok with it. I then had to run back to Allentown fir that drop where I realized my truck was leaking fuel.. After that drop, I ran to Pittston had the fuel line fixed (or so I thought at the time). I then left Pittston and drove to the 90 in Syracuse arriving in the parking lot as my clock hit zero..

    That was my 2nd load as lease.. I then picked up a load a bit west of Syracuse that went to Murfreesboro, TN which was 800 and some change miles away but I had 25hrs to get it there... (loaded at 2pm and delivery was 2pm the next day which was the day before thanksgiving to boot...)
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
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  3. skellr

    skellr Road Train Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    The Village, Portmeirion
    Yeah, hate sitting around and get a late load at the last minute. It's like they are always 20 minutes past mission impossible. 20 minutes, just send it to me 20 minutes earlier and we won't be wasting a bunch of people time.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  4. albert l

    albert l Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2013
    On the Road
    I recently had a week which had me PPL to do 2000 mile trip in under 3 days.
    Then they wanted me to run 750 miles in a day for 4 stops the next day.
    Then gave me a 2400 mile Hazmat load, which I had to run (not enough hours to cover) and they would find me a repower.
    Had me scratching my head wondering what was going on between Sales and Dispatch or do we have a shortage of trucks.
    NavigatorWife and crocky Thank this.
  5. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Well, for the record Prime did get me the loads to get me back on top. It was a rough schedule on my side but I did get back out of the hole this week and almost made back what I lost as well.

    Sadly, I had to give up a load that would have gotten me back my missed earnings due to my current 90 keeping me held up to long. It was a very tight schedule to make but I could of made a run back up to Maryland before the pay period ended, seems my current 90 had other ideas for me so they had to pull the load from me and give it to another truck.
  6. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    The 2k load is doable, but really depends how your clock was set up before you got it. 750 miles a day isnt gonna happen in our 65mph trucks though.

    Far as hazmat, I heard they really went worth the money for the hassle due to it not really being Prime's thing.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  7. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017

    Ok, guess my ship came in this week...

    TONU = $288
    No Appointment delay = $175
    Detention from one of my loads = $360

    TY on that TONU tip, I'd have never known as no one ever told me about that before. I owe you a lunch or something If I ever see you... lol
  8. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    Crocky.... I'm hoping, after this entire thread. You now realize that I was talking about exactly this, when I quoted you and your trainer waiting 13 hours, back a couple months ago.
    I wasn't criticizing you, or your trainer. I was criticizing exactly what this entire thread is about.
  9. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    I don't remember the topic, but a certain amount of waiting will always happen. As far as this topic, stuff happened and of course I was pissed.

    Since then, Ive been making decent money. My biggest complaint with Prime is that it cost so much to run their lease trucks.

    With that said, I'm making money and more importantly saving money but I'm running hard to do it..

    I can certainly see how many guys can get their self in a hole and not be able to get out. You have to be capable of running hard or training to make it.
  10. WesternPlains

    WesternPlains Road Train Member

    Sep 1, 2017
    The way I view Prime's lease is;
    They make it easy to introduce yourself to leasing. Basically running a truck as your own business. They hold your hand and all. You still need to take all their classes and more. Get the business end down. The heavy cost of the lease is so you can easily learn. Then go on from there...
    There is a guy named John, that Red Viking Trucker (youtube) has an interview with. He leases from Prime. You might give him a call. Pick his brain. He was a business owner before this. We gotta keep learning. John says he's averaging $1800 a week, take home.
    Wish you the best Crocky.... Keep learning and get on top.
  11. crocky

    crocky Road Train Member

    Jun 28, 2017
    Running a lease at Prime isnt really anything like running a business. I dont believe running a lease at any of the other megas is either.

    A lease op at a mega is just a 1099 company guy who has possibility to make more than a guy running cents per mile.. Im running a lease at Prime now and its not a business you dont have any ability to pick your own loads you can only accept or deny the loads they give you.

    As a lease op, you are providing them with nothing but labor and putting the profit/loss risk on your shoulders not theirs. Yes it can work out and so far its working for me, but every week its the same struggle to get enough money earned to cover expenses and build a profit...

    Again, Im making money, but its every week Im having the exact same discussion with dispatch, because sure they get me the money to pay the "truck bills" but when it comes to the last load or two of the week Im fighting with them because they keep trying to give me loads that dont deliver until after the pay week ends..

    If that happens it means I make no profit because the next week starts all over again with the bills so by doing that next load early doesnt mean you moved your profit to that week, but rather just started paying the truck bills again

    No matter how much they try to make you think its a business its not, because you have zero control of anything other than what route you take and if you take a load or not.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2017
    jbird05031126 Thanks this.
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