Cell phone and Seat belt violation

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by RunningAces, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    I would also imagine being arrested and having to make bail. Major hit on insurance (if you can even keep insurance) and if you have any driving type job most likely you will lose it. While doing this kind of speed if you hit and kill or hurt someone it might be considered Vehicular Homicide and (THAT) generally is felonious!
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
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  3. Bean Jr.

    Bean Jr. Road Train Member

    Mar 30, 2014
    I'm not sure of that either. Here is a Facebook post from CHP Ft. Tejon.

    CHP - Fort Tejon - Grapevine

    He says he gave the guy a ticket, but said nothing about arresting him.
  4. bentstrider83

    bentstrider83 Road Train Member

    Dec 26, 2011
    Portales, NM
    Seems to be a wide, gray area for the usage of those things. But I guess there's a bunch of wannabe racers and failed fighter pilots that want to act hard on the roads.
    That is until a cop does a visual speed check, or they get into an accident and cry like an infant on the trip to the ER.
  5. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    The hardest I ever remember laughing was listening to an old retired Pa State trooper talking about catching a guy on the turnpike using VASCAR many years ago. The guy was using his new handy "birddog" flying like a bat of of hell right into this guys VASCAR setup. Most cops I know love it when people run those things. Lulls them into a false sense of security. To this day they laugh at drivers with them hanging on their visors or stuck to their windshields after handing them $100+ tickets.
  6. REALITY098765

    REALITY098765 Road Train Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    It's just the fact that you mix up your facts with so much disinformation an general BS that it's hard to separate the 2.
    A car with say 5.13 gears is quick to 100 mph for example but won't do over 135 for very long.
    40 degree humid air is not cool dense air. Water will not burn and actually displaces air for 2 examples.
    Just an observation is all
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
  7. calnca

    calnca Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2014
    Bella Vista, AR

    Ha Ha VASCAR.....REALLY old technology....get with the times. I run with a radar/lidar detector in my car and when on my Aprilia......haven't had a speeding ticket in 15+ years.....and if you let a cop get behind you and pace you that's all on you driver.....way to be alert.
  8. Moose1958

    Moose1958 Road Train Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Williesburg, Virignia
    HA HA HA the fricking joke is on you buddy. I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain the limitations of those devices. Keep it up. One day a cop will. For the record that VASCAR story was from the fricking 60s but VASCAR like devices are still deployed. Your detector is powerless against being timed. I was speaking with a friend about a month ago whom works for a State Highway Patrol that was timing traffic from a Helicopter. They caught this idiot speeding across the desert. He told me that later they both was laughing at the guy because he had one of those very expensive devices. Started cussing it as being junk. The stopping officer laughed all the way back to his car.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
  9. calnca

    calnca Medium Load Member

    Apr 2, 2014
    Bella Vista, AR
    If you allow an aircraft or car to time you, it's your own fault for not being aware of your surroundings.....CHP has all kinds of fixed wing operating, you must be aware.......what i find humorous are the un governed rigs that speed up to fall 1/2 mile behind me so THEY don't get caught.....like back in the old CB days.....

    TROOPER to TRUCKER Anything Is Possible

    Dec 15, 2014
    Charlotte, NC
    Here your speeding , seatbelt no turn signal etc you get a courtesy summons. However the officer can take you to jail for any of the simplest infractions. Now your bail will simply be the amount of what the ticket is.
    Bean Jr. Thanks this.
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