Anyone heard of Dependable Tank Line?

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by onetime42, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    I’ve never heard of them or seen them, but I’m in Arkansas. Maybe they don’t come here.
    onetime42 Thanks this.
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  3. Just passing by

    Just passing by Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
  4. moloko

    moloko Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    seattle, wa
    Haha, no kidding ... that is a lesson to live by.
  5. moloko

    moloko Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    seattle, wa
    You said it sounds too good to be true. What does your gut tell you about this company? Listen to it. Don't listen to the recruiter. And if possible, find other drivers and compare their stories to what the recruiter told you. Try to get a feel for how the work environment is. How people interact with each other. How drivers talk about their coworkers. How management treats people. But above all else, listen to your first gut instinct. So many times I wish I did , and I tell you man this is a lesson I learned the hard way more than once. Whatever your first gut instinct tells you, go with it and take it as the Lord's truth.
    onetime42 Thanks this.
  6. onetime42

    onetime42 Light Load Member

    May 20, 2009
    Mobile, AL
    Oh my gut told me to check them out before walking away from my current gig. I'm no stranger to strong sales pitches from recruiters. I thought coming on here would save me some legwork getting info on these guys. I plan on calling the company again from my spare phone and asking to speak to a dispatcher then to a current driver and get their opinion on the place. Until I get all if my questions answered I'm staying put for the time being. I can go pretty much anywhere with the experience I have. I'm just weeding out the time wasters.
  7. moloko

    moloko Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    seattle, wa
    Yeah, I've had my time waste plenty lately. One thing I've learned is that if you get hired somewhere and you find out it's horribly incompatible, walk away immediately. Just quit. It's not going to get better. It will never get better. Had to walk from two consecutive gigs when one bait and switched me . They said it paid $26/hr. Got to the interview and accepted the job and they tried to slip in the rate of pay as $23/hr. Confronted the recruiter and he said the other $3 was medical benefits or something, safety bonus, IDK. Told him alright then, see your trainer at 0200 AM. at 0155AM I text the trainer, "I decided not to take the job, have a great day." Email the boss telling him thanks for offering me $26/hr and then reducing the wage to $23/hr and then giving me a smoke screen about the rest of the wage. Also thanks for not telling me the medical insurance cost $2k a month for a high deductible plan. No thanks dude, good luck filing your ####ty position.

    The next place offered me some ridiculously low wage like $18.86/hr. They had free benefits apparently so I said sure, what the hell , let's do the road test and sign me up. I knew I was over qualified for the job. Anyways I get a call from HR and they say we are calling to confirm your offer at the rate of $15.86 per hour. I was like WTF about to choke this woman out thru the phone. She got all nervous and I just went off on her about how I haven't worked for such little pay since I started driving half a decade ago. She got all nervous even still and I could tell she was caught in their attempt to bait and switch trap. She calls back offering like $17.50/hr and I said yeah, whatever. Show up for work thru the training process to feel it out knowing it was bad noise all around and just find that everybody hates each other in this workplace. I left when some idiot was starting to get borderline verbally abusive on me. I just said, "#### this, I'm done." Turned in my cell phone and told them, have my check no later than 48 hours from now. got my final pay check and they decided to only pay me $17/hr. And people wonder why I hate these employers so much...
    onetime42 Thanks this.
  8. ttypewe4jim

    ttypewe4jim Light Load Member

    Feb 21, 2018
    This from there facebook account which appears to be real? 44 friends? Tried to lookup some of the tax info from the corporation to get a owners name and haven't had luck yet. Don't know man to me it sounds more and more like a fly by night job?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2018
    Reason for edit: Phone number in quote
    onetime42 Thanks this.
  9. moloko

    moloko Road Train Member

    Oct 26, 2012
    seattle, wa
    Let's see. In California, we can find out who owns the company by visiting the Secretary of the State's website. You can enter the address or fictional business name and it will come back with the court filings when the owners registered that business entity in that locale. You will find who owns that company real quick if you view the pdf filings. Not sure about your jurisdiction but generally this is all public information. This type of transparency will give you their name, and if you look up their name you will see if they are fly by night criminals who open up shop, screw you over, close down only to reopen again under a different name.
    onetime42 Thanks this.
  10. Therealpaper

    Therealpaper Bobtail Member

    Mar 22, 2019
    Driver I'm in the same situation. Never heard of them. I'm gonna call the Monday 3/24/19 to talk to them so more.
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