dot printer not alligned...???

Discussion in 'Gless Bros Foodliner' started by im6under, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    so I got pulled in for inspection today...

    truck is good, trailer is good, electronic log is good, you'd think I was good also...?

    oh no no nooo.... son...

    there are two vertical lines on the shipping paper disignating the hazmat column.

    should read, "line" X "line" or else "line" RQ "line"

    should never read, "line" R "line" Q.

    as in the paper was was miss alligned a quarter inch in the printer...

    dot says... now I know what that is... but its all gotta be inside the lines... somebody else might misread it.

    ??????????????????:biggrin_2554: yeah.... I suppose that could happen *smiles* I'll jump those guys when I get back to the shop...

    ok... I'd appreciate it... ohhh hold on.. we're not done... I still have to write you a warning on it...

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????? :biggrin_2554: no problem officer....

    *thinking to myself* you're kidding me right???

    no, he was serious... lol

    and... other than this... what a wonderful day...:biggrin_2552:
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  3. 25(2)+2

    25(2)+2 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    the road less travelled
    You just found out what being 'anal retentive' is all about.
  4. MO family man

    MO family man Heavy Load Member

    Oct 31, 2007
    Nunya, MO
    This is why I have so little respect for the IA DOT. Absolute BS is all that is. Because his "Billy club" hasn't grown much since the day he was born he has to make up for it by acting like a large...billy club. His small lumber causes you to lose out on getting a few bucks for a clean inspection. Friggin' bull.:biggrin_25510:
  5. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    tim says my ticket was dismissed... for the rq not being all the way in the lines. officer was fairly new and unfamiliar with hazmat and had misinterpreted the specific application of the wording in the rule...(blah blah blah)...

    ok??? so I get paid right?

    yes you do...

    good enough...:yes2557: lol
  6. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    yeah, I GOT PAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know tim said I would, but... well ya'know sometimes you just gotta see it first... lol

    but it was on this weeks pay and helped make it my very best single weeks pay with the company.

    changing font to the color of money and drum-roll please...


    granted I didn't get to keep all of that... lol but its the thought that counts as mom would say...

    stupid government...
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