Waste Management questions for drivers

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Roadranger6155, Feb 2, 2018.

  1. Fold_Moiler

    Fold_Moiler Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2017
    Estes will be way better. They make good money. At first I’m sure your schedule might not be ideal but at least it’s good money and eventually you can pick your schedule I hear.
    joshlilou Thanks this.
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  3. joshlilou

    joshlilou Bobtail Member

    Mar 10, 2017
    You’re right all the way up, honestly seem to be a good place to trade my time for money, every person I cross look happy & reply greetings, enough to me.
    Fold_Moiler Thanks this.
  4. UnkownHorse

    UnkownHorse Light Load Member

    Mar 10, 2019
    I live in NW Missouri and after reading this; I completely understand why WM is constantly hiring in my area as well. Makes me glad I went back to my street maintenance job driving a dump truck.
    joshlilou Thanks this.
  5. joshlilou

    joshlilou Bobtail Member

    Mar 10, 2017
    Seems that no driver will bring colors and sparks with WM name in the same sentence, bur should be there some one with nice stories about them, even the megas has fans.
  6. Spacat1

    Spacat1 Light Load Member

    Oct 13, 2014
    Between residential routes and commercial routes which position at Waste Management is better? I applied for both outside of Nashville, TN, went through recorded phone questions for both, and got called back for both. If I want to keep my sanity which option would be better?
  7. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    There over all not all that different. Commercial will be mostly front loader and roll off, where as depending on area residential side loaders that self dump or rear loaders. I would think that commercial would be a little bit more prone to accidents just because you will be backing up into traffic or just backing period more which increases the risk. Both will be setup for 10 to 12 hour days because that is there business model. There are no easy driving jobs at WMI, they are listed as laborer's, and everything is in your job description. I believe the line that is at the end of every description is any and all other task requested of you. But overall good place to work, but watch your back no one else there is doing anything but covering there own. True at most places.
    dwells40 and Spacat1 Thank this.
  8. Spacat1

    Spacat1 Light Load Member

    Oct 13, 2014
    Do you work at Waste Management? Realistically how many hours can you get a week?
  9. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    I was a foreman for WMI Construction Services of Los Angeles. Average probably about 50 hours at a guess, but that also changes with division.

    Construction Services then was roll-offs, fence, and port-o-let. My crews all started at 5:30am and worked till our orders for the day were complete.
    Spacat1 Thanks this.
  10. Theyoungtrucker

    Theyoungtrucker Bobtail Member

    Feb 10, 2018
    Washington DC
    I’ve been doing Rolloff for 6yrs now not hard to learn I had no experience and learned the concept in less than 2 weeks just can’t get complacent also I work in dc so things are hetic and rats are huge lol but as far as the camera it’s saved by butt on 2 accidents when they was able to see I was cut off and wasn’t doing anything like texting or not paying attention. If trash doesn’t work for you you will always be able to find a job with your cdl
  11. Buffalonytrucker92

    Buffalonytrucker92 Medium Load Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    western new York
    I just appl to wm today, I guess depending where you live training is either in Phoenix or Florida. Wm pays for all of your expenses. Training there last two weeks. I'm from Buffalo. So I'm not sure how they are here but after reading this I'm kind of nervous. They seem like a great company to work for just idk.
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