1st name changed in the Clearinghouse system.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Johnny_Kanuk, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Johnny_Kanuk

    Johnny_Kanuk Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2024
    Hey all new here, been driving 27 years and I recently changed jobs. My new employer sent me a request for access to my Clearinghouse info I noticed the first name was wrong. I went to the Clearinghouse website and sure enough under CDL info it has the incorrect first name. You can't change it via their website, this info comes from CDLIS. I'm Canadian in Ontario so I contacted our version of the DMV and they confirm my name is correct in their system I know that this change happened between Nov 1st and Nov 26th. My old employer changed it's name due to a merger and they sent out a Clearinghouse request on Nov 1st and it had my correct name, Nov 26th my new employer sent their request and it had the incorrect name. I talked with someone at the Clearinghouse and they had me email picture of my CDL and such, god knows how long that will take. My question is, anyone else have this issue and if so how the hell did you fix it? I did a drug test on the 8th of Nov and that is the only thing I can think may have caused this. I can't drive till I get this fixed and it's costing me money.
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  3. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    You can't be the first person this has happened to, but I don't remember anyone here mentioning it before. Do an internet search for this question to spread your net further and not just wait for the one person in this small pond that may have had it happen to them to answer. Did you thoroughly search the Clearinghouse web site using their search feature and read every FAQ? That's all I would know to do.
  4. Espressolane

    Espressolane Road Train Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Just south of the north 40
    First, start a DataQ request. Next locate the DOT or equivalent that covers your home location. Contact that office and explain the discrepancy.
    Provide them the DataQ file number. Next SAVE any emails related to this. Get names and dates of any phone conversations as well. KEEP RECORDS OF ALL YOUR ACTIVITY ON THIS.
    It will protect you. This will take a few weeks to work through. In the meantime have them send you and your company letter stating that they are working on the error and you are authorized to drive during this. Once it is straightened out, you will see the both name entries listed. It will not delete the original entry. They can’t delete it, it is the way the database is locked. Once in, always in.

    Been there, did that.
    MACK E-6 and tscottme Thank this.
  5. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    Is first name off by 1 letter or real name is mortimer and wrong name is Cletus ?
    tscottme Thanks this.
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