2004 International 4200

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by NickM31, Nov 8, 2024.

  1. NickM31

    NickM31 Bobtail Member

    Nov 8, 2024
    I have a 2004 International 4200 box truck Automatic trans, electric hydraulic brakes. Batteries were dead the other day, so I removed them and charged them. When I re-installed them them, I hooked up both positive wires, then when I touched the ground to the terminal I heard a fast clicking noise up near engine. It stopped after 10 seconds or so. Is this normal? (It sounded like my old 2006 6.0 powerstroke when you turn the key on and it cycles the injectors...) I believe the truck does this normally when the key is turned to the ON position before starting normally. But when when batteries are connected and key is off?

    Also, any ideas on known issues that could be drawing amperage on these trucks to drain batteries?

    Thank you in advance!
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  3. Heavyd

    Heavyd Road Train Member

    Feb 4, 2009
    The click you heard was likely the injector precycle. This is normal at key on, but weird at battery connect. Did you have the key on by chance? Any truck will have some key off draw. That generation would be 50 milliamps or less. Depends all what you have connected.
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
  4. NickM31

    NickM31 Bobtail Member

    Nov 8, 2024
    Actually I believe the key was turned backwards to ACC. Still very strange.
  5. NickM31

    NickM31 Bobtail Member

    Nov 8, 2024
    If anyone has any info on this or possible fixes please let me know. From what I'm told the batteries go dead after a few days and will need jumped or charged up.
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