2010 FM Volvo Arcing Noise coming from fuse box

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by Karl248, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. Karl248

    Karl248 Bobtail Member

    Dec 14, 2020
    Hi there,

    I own a 2010 FM and have just recently started hearing an arcing noise coming from somewhere in the fuse box. It's only happening when I go over bumps and i can't figure out what's doing it.

    I've taken the tray out with all the fuses and relays on it and pushed all plugs/Cables in as it sounds like a loose connection but that hasn't helped.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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  3. nasriza

    nasriza Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    check relay legs to fuse box check for signs of melting connections prob a loos connection on one of the relays
  4. Stringb8n

    Stringb8n Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    Could possibly be a loose lug on the back of the fuse panel. I had that happen to me once in a Freightliner Columbia. Got bad enough the truck would just shut off and have to call mechanic to come out and fix it, until they finally found it was the loose lug on the fuse panel.
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