2015 pro star isx15 cm2350 Intermittent stalling

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by aarmon89, Nov 21, 2024.

  1. aarmon89

    aarmon89 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Hello, I’m seeing if anyone has had similar issues or knows what could be causing this problem. 2015 pro star isx15 cm2350
    So, Ian having an issue with my truck randomly losing power while driving…it happens more often when I’m under a load and/or pulling hills. I’ll just be driving and everything will seem fine…then all of a sudden I’ll lose power to the pedal (motors still running) if I downshift or go into neutral the motor then stalls. If I try to ride it out when I lose power to the pedal and my speed drops to 5-10mph—the motor stalls

    when I pull over, most times the truck won’t crank right away..it sometimes takes a few minutes then fires right up. But here recently I’ve noticed that after it happens and Ive stalled out already I’ll turn the key in the ON position and I won’t hear the lift pump running. I have to key it on several times before the lift pump turns on (doesn’t happen everytime…sometimes the lift pump comes right on at key on) now I’m not sure if that is two separate issues or if one is affecting the other. I’ve already changed quite a few parts, but to no avail

    ecm (less than a year old)
    Crankshaft position sensor
    Camshaft position sensor
    Turbo speed sensor
    IMAP sensor
    Exhaust gas pressure sensor (less than a year old)

    im getting really frustrated bc shops haven’t been able to figure it out…and like I said if typically only acts up when pulling a load

    OH AND GET THIS…THERE’S NO CEL to even give me a clue where to start

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
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  3. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Does the dashboard stay on?
    To save you a lot of frustration and money,get a diagram of your ecm and run new grounds and power wires from a known good source.different truck and different engine but i had the same issue.
  4. aarmon89

    aarmon89 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    and that fixed your issue? And yes dash is still on when this happens
  5. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Yes it did,i just bought connectors that allowed me to hook to existing wires without cutting them. I also replaced few sensors and paid a shop to redo the ecm pins before going this route.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2024
  6. aarmon89

    aarmon89 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    okay thank you much appreciated. I will try this
  7. aarmon89

    aarmon89 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    also what sensors did you change?
  8. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Crankshaft and camshaft,Is not a sensor issue,but like you thats what mechanics and the internet suggested i replace.after doing more research i replaced all power wires to ecm and problem persisted so i replaced the grounds and that solved the issue
  9. aarmon89

    aarmon89 Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Okay thank you
  10. FLHT

    FLHT Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2014
    If the connectors you are using are the little blue ones that you fold over and squeeze with pliers stop using them..
    They are not water proof and will haunt you in the future.
  11. zinita17601

    zinita17601 Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2010
    lancaster pa
    Yes thats what i’ve used,they are inside the engine compartment and i don’t c how water can get to them,it was a temporary fix to isolate the problem instead of paying some shop to find a ghost problem especially if there is no cel.if the truck starts acting up again i will fix it properly.
    Thank you anyway
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