2016 Volvo VNL 670 Hood Bounces

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by femalecdla, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. femalecdla

    femalecdla Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2018
    I looked at where the latches are set currently, the latches are set almost to the top. I tried to loosen the bolts to adjust the latches so I could lower them, but, they must have used an impact when they changed out the latches. I can’t get the bolts to loosen up.

    I was thinking opposite of what you suggested since it appears the hoof is sitting way to high right now.
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  3. loudtom

    loudtom Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Maybe lowering it will help, but you won't know until you can get those bolts loosened. Changing the height also adjusts the angle that the prong and cup make their connection. If it's too high or too low, the top or bottom of the prong will rub against the cup. If you have both axis perfectly lined up and it still bounces, you might be able to adjust the nut on the back of the prong to compress the spring more. We tried adjusting that nut initially, but ultimately it was the bracket that got us where we wanted. If you mess around with that nut, you'll need to be able to hold the square part of the housing with like a vice or something in order to give it enough torque to adjust it. I don't remember the exact size, but it's something like 24mm deep socket. You could try to use a big wrench, but you risk stripping the corners. I would also recommend Loctite on the threads once you figure out how tight you want it.

    I ran with the bouncing for like 400k miles and didn't have any issues other than replacing the headlight housing twice. The headlights are cheap and poorly designed, but I'm sure the bouncing didn't help. The projector would end up breaking where it is screwed to the housing, so it would just roll around inside. Mine are cheap and easy to replace, plus they would be yellowed and fading at that point.
    Siinman Thanks this.
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