So, I'm driving a 2020 Freightliner and this engine light comes on, brought the truck in twice to the shop, it comes on again, cool, I just ignore it. I was going to deliver a load in Miami, I was under a red light, and the red engine light that stop your engine because of low coolant came on in the middle of the freaking road... I pulled over in a turning lane and turned off the truck. Check the coolant level, had plenty, no leaks either. Brought the truck to the shop, looks like they replaced the whole coolant tank and sensor, everything looks good and was going great until this #### engine light comes on again and now I'm afraid of the red Check engine light to come on randomly at any time and stop the truck with me on the road. What F is wrong with Freightliner? Anybody know what this specific engine light means?
2020 Freightliner won't start, multiple trips to the shop.
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by nextgentrucker, Jan 25, 2025.
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Need to check the codes,it may be a different problem.
If it is the low coolant again, then you need to have the harness checked.Diesel Dave and nextgentrucker Thank this. -
77fib77 and austinmike Thank this.
You need to have the codes read to know why it’s on.
The light in the pic is the MIL light. The check engine light will say “check”OldeSkool, tscottme and nextgentrucker Thank this. -
77fib77 Thanks this.
It's why megas get rid of trucks after 4 years. Electrical gremlins affect every newer truck made, it seems. Keeps the dealer in business long after the sale.
MACK E-6, nextgentrucker and Arctic_fox Thank this. -
That light just means fault detected or plug in a scan tool or look into the messages to see important info. Have you tried exploring the menu or do you just stare at it & hope for a message in the sky to tell you the meaning?
There are switches & buttons on the steering wheel or dash you can use to navigate the screens on the dash. It's all explained in the driver's manual that came with the truck. Sometimes life requires YOU to put in effort & not just close your eyes and wait for someone else to deliver info to you.nextgentrucker Thanks this. -
Bro... That freaking light has been on and off for some time now, you don't think I did that... You want me to turn the truck on and show you that there's no code for it? You don't think that after I've brought the truck in like 3 times now to the shop they would've fix it by now? I'd say maybe they need to replace all the electrical wires cause there's no code for them to isolate the problem.77fib77 and austinmike Thank this. -
Many of the newbies posting in the forum do nothing, never look for answers, can't change a fuse, etc. So I don't know if you have done any or none of the obvious steps when you post. If you don't say what you've done I can only guess.
Sons Hero, Diesel Dave, austinmike and 1 other person Thank this.
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