2021 Detroit DD15 loss of oil pressure

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Gaius Romulus Rex, Jan 26, 2025.

  1. Gaius Romulus Rex

    Gaius Romulus Rex Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2024
    So I've lost all oil pressure on this truck, a 2021 Freightliner with a DD15, the clock is showing ~429,300 miles and 20,059 hours. I've got oil all over the inner side of the driver's side steer tire, on the frame, the shock, spring, drag link, cross shaft, and all over the engine from the fuel filter housing back, and up to the injectors down to the pan, with injectors 2 through 6 weeping oil out of the ports for the feed tubes. What could have let go? Rear main? Rear structure gasket? Front main? Air compressor and/or fuel pump seals? All of the above? I'll see if I can figure out how to post pictures in the replies to this post
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  3. 062

    062 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Any work done recently?
    I’d look at the oil filter housing and where it mounts.
  4. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    No oil pressure because of the failure or no oil pressure because it no longer has oil in it?

    If its got oil in the pan and no pressure the first place I'd be looking at would be the filter housings and any external oil lines.
    little cat 500 and DUNE-T Thank this.
  5. Gaius Romulus Rex

    Gaius Romulus Rex Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2024
    Nothing that I know of in regards to the engine oil, I had a coolant hose replaced because it had a pinhole that was blowing coolant over the passenger side of the engine and I had the sensors replaced for the low air pressure buzzer
  6. Gaius Romulus Rex

    Gaius Romulus Rex Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2024
    There should be enough oil in the pan, I added three gallons yesterday and I keep checking the oil level as best I can. As I'm sitting right now the nose of the truck is facing down a hill at this truck stop so it should help the situation due to more oil pooling near the sump in the pan. I'll check out the oil filter housing and the external lines, but I don't think that's the problem since it's worse the farther back it goes on the engine, and the filter housing looks dry as far as I can tell.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025

    QUALITYTRUCK Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    If there is C.E.L. on dash, check if oil psi sensor/wiring is in working order with code reader. Then drop oil pan and check suction manifold and tube orings. Oil pump would be last check before it gets real serious.....
    062 Thanks this.
  8. Gaius Romulus Rex

    Gaius Romulus Rex Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2024
    There's no code in the system as far as the dash diagnostics will show, there are some unrelated aftertreatment codes. When it starts up it shows an initial "oil pressure low" yellow warning and then an "oil pressure seriously low" warning and a 30 second shutdown timer, which makes me think the sensor is working properly. It's a company truck and I'm on my way to a stealership in a tow truck so I'll keep you guys updated, hopefully I'm going to get some kind of breakdown pay
  9. AristoTruckTech

    AristoTruckTech Bobtail Member

    Jan 27, 2025
    Suggest they pressure-test the oil system and inspect the rear main and turbo areas closely. Although they may seem unrelated, aftertreatment system issues can sometimes create backpressure problems that stress the turbo and oil system. With oil worse toward the back and the filter housing dry, it’s likely the rear main seal, structure gasket, or turbo oil lines. No codes don’t rule out mechanical failure, and the injector weepage from 2–6 could point to a pressure problem making things worse.
    Gaius Romulus Rex Thanks this.
  10. Gaius Romulus Rex

    Gaius Romulus Rex Bobtail Member

    Apr 26, 2024
    I made mention of it to them and they put it in the notes, hopefully it'll be fixed before too long.
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