24yo no-lifer, need company / newbie advice.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Spartananator, Jan 17, 2025.

  1. Spartananator

    Spartananator Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2025
    Hey all,

    I am working towards getting my CDL-A at my local Technical school in Louisville, KY. Hopefully should be ready to start with a company by beginning of march.

    I am looking for recommendations / advice on the best opportunities for my current life situation.

    As with everyone, I am looking to make as much money as I can, that being said I don't have a magic number that I care about hitting, just that I am doing everything I can to maximize my compensation compared to time worked. I think I understand that there is a middle option between being an O/O and company driver where you lease yourself to a company, would anyone recommend this as an option after gaining experience for a year or so?

    To that end I am interested in flatbed trucking, mainly because I like getting dirty and from what I understand the earning potential is higher. I used to be an earth mover mechanic for a CAT dealer, and that was fun other than the tool truck man LOL and the company not wanting to advance me. We used to load excavators, dozers, and big ### dump trucks onto these flatbed heavy haulers, seemed like a cool gig.

    I don't want home time, in fact I don't want to have a home at all, but, I do want the opportunity to take time off to travel out of the country for decently long periods of time several times a year, since that is what I like to do, so maybe a month every 3 months, or a week or two ever few months I would like to park my truck and #### off somewhere in the world with my money.

    Not looking for the perfect set up right away, I totally understand a lot of this stuff might be 6 months, to several years of experience needed.

    TLDR: I want to start designing a pathway to make the most money for effort that I can, I want to know if flatbed trucking is recommended to that end right now, I want to be on the road 24/7 and live from my sleeper, as I have no life and dont care about going home to do the same #### I would do from my cab, and I want to be able to have the freedom to take time off when I want for long periods of time to travel.

    I understand I may not get all of this so if I had to choose the things that matter the most to me it would be:
    1st. being able to live out of my truck
    2nd. being able to take time off to travel when I want
    3rd / last. making as much money as possible and anything else I brought up. I dont actually care about money so long as I can live well.

    Feel free to adjust my expectations as harshly or as politely as you deem necessary. Appreciate your knowledge and help.
    Numb and austinmike Thank this.
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Scratch out number 2.

    Especially as a new/first year driver -- & the current CDL job market.

    -- L
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia

    New driver?

    Louisville, KY?

    Take a hard look at:

    • Maverick Transportation
    • TMC
    • Melton Truck Lines
    Among those three -- you can't lose.

    All good "trainer" flatbed carriers.

    -- L
    Spartananator Thanks this.
  5. Spartananator

    Spartananator Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2025
    Got it,

    I suppose I could always just quit if I want some time off lol. Any idea if the bigs bad mouth workers to eachother?
    austinmike Thanks this.
  6. Spartananator

    Spartananator Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2025
    Sweet thanks, from the research I did those were the ones I came up with as well.
    austinmike Thanks this.
  7. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Given the status of the current CDL job market -- especially for new drivers -- plan on staying with a carrier for AT LEAST A YEAR -- if/when you are hired.

    Preferably longer.

    Set yourself up for success -- not failure.

    -- L
  8. Spartananator

    Spartananator Bobtail Member

    Jan 17, 2025
    Got it, will do.

    I am curious, what changed? I swear a few months ago there was a driver shortage? Same #### that happened to the tech industry where it filled up with starry eyed newbs looking to get rich quick?
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Several drivers on this forum live in the truck and spend off-time overseas.
    Easier to work for a temp service to do that. Get a year experience, then sign on with a temp service that hires cdl drivers, such as Trillium.
    If you don't work for a temp service, you'll be considered a job hopper and find trucking employment next to impossible after awhile. With a temp agency, you work when you want to.
    Trillium Staffing - cdl-drivers Jobs
    Trillium partners with some of the nation's leading private fleets, third party logistics companies, for hire carriers, and LTL carriers to locate reliable CDL and non-CDL drivers! Whether you are …
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
  10. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    I can't speak much on this for Melton -- but both Maverick & TMC have more than one division -- or line of freight.

    Show the rest of the CDL world that you're a true team player, & that you can go the distance -- by spending some real time in each division.

    Maverick also hauls loads of glass ($$$$).

    Both Maverick & TMC haul boats (a marine division).

    Hauling boats/watercraft is very interesting work -- with (mostly) cool deliveries & cool customers.

    -- L
  11. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Driver shortage?


    No shortage of drivers.

    There IS however, a REAL shortage....of truly good, professional-grade, knowledgeable, polite/courteous CDL drivers....indeed.

    -- L
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