2nd Job HOS

Discussion in 'ELD Forum | Questions, Answers and Reviews' started by TonyFreshwheel, Feb 4, 2025.

  1. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I'm no expert, but I think since the part time job wouldn't require logging then you should be able to just carry a copy of your time card showing hours worked.

    How you would tie that into your logs for the day job I don't know, but I don't believe you have to. You just have to show hours worked.

    By all means, someone correct me if I'm wrong!
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  3. drh72

    drh72 Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Northeast Minnesota
    I did something similar except trucking became my part time job because I still love trucking, but to your point...all you have to do is edit your log to show your part-time job as on duty not driving when you go to work at your driving job. My company fortunately just gave me a tablet to take home to log my primary job hours on it.
    brian991219, tarmadilo and tscottme Thank this.
  4. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    ^^^^^ This
    It’s really quite simple…just like in ancient time…when any day we worked for pay outside the truck
    That days log page showed hours worked that day on line 4.,,, so they counted against your 60/70
    brian991219 and tscottme Thank this.
  5. TonyFreshwheel

    TonyFreshwheel Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2025
    The thing is, my company isn't going to let me modify my logs for them in any way. They require 100% accuracy between clock time and Dot time, and are not going to let me show HOS that they aren't paying me for. I wondered if I could just keep a paper log of the non driving hours and be able to show them together, if ever asked.
  6. ‘Olhand

    ‘Olhand Cantankerous Crusty

    Jan 18, 2011
    If they will NOT let you show those days away worked as in duty on your e-log
    Remind them THEY are forcing you to falsify your logs
    Every one you sign off duty and certify on a day you worked for compensation elsewhere Is YOUR ### in any litigation
    Company gonna say they had no idea you were moonlighting and remind the authorities that YOU certified those data off duty
  7. drh72

    drh72 Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Northeast Minnesota
    They don't have a choice...if they allow you to have a part-time job you have to log it on your ELD. Do not show a DOT officer two logs, that will create another set of issues.
  8. drh72

    drh72 Light Load Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Northeast Minnesota
    You have to log all hours worked, even if the part-time job doesn't require a CDL.
    brian991219, Iamoverit and tscottme Thank this.
  9. Kyle G.

    Kyle G. Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2016
    Eastern Iowa
    I believe your company is correct, your logbook doesn't need to be modified.

    If you drive for Company A, log as normal on Company A's logbook. Company A's logbook is for work performed for company A. That's why their name and address is on the logbook.

    If you flip burgers on the side for company B, yes that work does come out of your available hours, so you will need to show hours worked. But you are not flipping burgers for company A, so you don't put it on their logs.

    This is why I said in my earlier post to carry your time card for company B, because that shows how many hours you worked and you can subtract that off your 70.

    Yes, the logbook gor Company A will show you have more hours available than you really do, but I don't believe that matters. What matters is accounting for all hours worked. No rule says they have to be in the same device.

    Make sense?
    Accidental Trucker Thanks this.
  10. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    What model brand of ELD do you have?
  11. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    DOT Hours of Service (HOS) Rule FAQs | J.J. Keller

    Q: If a driver takes a second job with a non-motor carrier, do those hours affect compliance with the hours-of-service-rules?

    A:Yes. Under 49 CFR §395.8(a), drivers must record their duty status for each 24-hour period, including all on-duty time. The definition of "on-duty time" in §395.2 includes "performing any compensated work for a person who is not a motor carrier." Therefore, all compensated work, whether for a motor carrier or not, must be included on the log as on-duty time and counted against the driver's available hours.

    The procedure of how to add those 2nd job work hours to your ELD total will likely be dependent on the brand of ELD or device. We need more details.
    brian991219 Thanks this.
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