4 new batteries and an inverter problems?

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Dkenos, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. Dkenos

    Dkenos Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2018
    Just got 4 new batteries put inu truck after 3 were found bad two days ago. Got to my receiver a day early and have been waiting for them to call and possibly unload me early. Four hours into waiting, I decided to turn on my 2000 W inverter and play some games on my laptop. An hour into playing, the inverter starts beeping to indicate the battery is low.

    The only things that were plugged into the truck during the four hours was my headset (recharging), and a 150 mini inverter I use to power my Internet modem.

    Will be going to a TA with receipts to see if the batteries in were sold were faulty, but if they clear, what would be the most likely reason my inverter isn't holding a charge? Is it broken?
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  3. RollinChaos

    RollinChaos Light Load Member

    Oct 6, 2024
    North Carolina
    Inverter will not hold a charge like a battery does. Assuming the inverter has a charging function that is enabled AND the batteries are in good shape this should be a none issue

    Edit typo
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2024
    Reason for edit: Typo
  4. Dkenos

    Dkenos Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2018
    I have no idea what a nine issue is. Can you explain a bit more, please?
  5. 062

    062 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    You need to know how many watts your game is running and if you had the laptop charging,how many watts does it use.
    The wattage should be listed on each one.
  6. Dkenos

    Dkenos Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2018
    I am not sure the watts used when playing the game, but this is a pic of the input and output of the charge cable. I only turn on my inverter to play, and when I got the inverter in June, the longest I played one session was six hours. Didn't hear a beep at all during that time.

    Attached Files:

  7. RollinChaos

    RollinChaos Light Load Member

    Oct 6, 2024
    North Carolina
    For clarity & fix typo...

    Inverter does not store energy like a battery would. It simply takes 12 volt DC energy from a source such as battery or alternator and converts to 110 volt AC.

    Some inverters also charge batteries. If the batteries will not accept a charge due to being run down too low you sometimes can fake out the charger by putting a good battery in the series to provide a 12 volt source.
  8. 062

    062 Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2013
    Depending on how efficient the inverter is and if the game is consuming max power, it should be about 35-45 amp draw on the batteries.
    It’s possible they didn’t connect something right or didn’t tighten all battery connections.
  9. Classy8

    Classy8 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
  10. Classy8

    Classy8 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    What was the symptom that let you know you had 3 bad batteries for them to be replaced? If there is an underlying problem with the truck's charging system then it may affect your new batteries too
    Deezl Smoke Thanks this.
  11. Deezl Smoke

    Deezl Smoke Medium Load Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Hillsboro Oregon
    Most inverters of that size have a light gauge to indicate the AC out draw. If yours does, watch it when you are playing and see what the draw is. If you turn on your inverter by remote, you may have to put your phone on video mode and set it to watch the inverter for a minute or two, then watch the video to see the gauge.
    Were you idling when this happened, or shut down?
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