74-Year-Old Man Run Over, Killed by Semi-Truck in Parking Lot

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by Cybergal, Mar 9, 2007.

  1. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    74-Year-Old Man Run Over, Killed by Semi-Truck in Parking Lot
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  3. lookingup

    lookingup Medium Load Member

    Dec 3, 2006
    Looks to be he was going to fast, You would assume to go slow in a parking lot so that didn't happen.......:biggrin_25520:
  4. mikroos5

    mikroos5 Medium Load Member

    Nov 16, 2006
    why does everyone just assume he was going to fast????????????

    I didnt read anywere in that artical where it said anything about speed.

    Going by your assumption the truck driver was at fault, he was going to fast

    as tragic as the ACCIDENT was you are assuming guilt just becouse it was a truck involved.

    I dont know you or if you are a driver but its statements like that that are making people think that just becouse a truck was involved it was there fault.

  5. lookingup

    lookingup Medium Load Member

    Dec 3, 2006
    excuse me "maybe" he was going to fast..............

    or maybe the driver saw some hot lady and wasn't paying attention.......

    i think men even catch the attention of woman drivers.....

    perhaps the man hit was almost blind............

    perhaps the man driving hit the gas while looking in the wrong direction....

    perhaps it was dark outside and the man hit was wearing all black.....

    i could see if it was a small child, some times they have so much energy they just run out infront of traffic.

    since the man was old, I assumed he walked close to snails pace, thats where I assumed the driver "might" be going to fast.....

    I've seen trucks such as that one driving fast while entering delivery zone , either their excited to finally be there, frustrated there was so much traffic, or happy they were done and in a hurry to get home.....

    BUT all in all your probably right it was just a freek accident, and the truck was doing under 5mph like they always do in parking lots......

    or maybe you have a better guess at what took place......
  6. Scuby

    Scuby Heavy Load Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    Lookingup in all likelyhood the driver simply did not see the victim. A Tractor- Trailer has many blind spots. I use to work for Greyhound Bus Lines as a Terminal Employee and had to handle a Fatal Accident. The lady was 5 ft if she stood up straight and was in her late 60's early 70's. She also had a habit of jaywalking. The driver had his rest and completely legal on everthing else, he simply did not see her. Part of that was due to it being at night, BTW the GL Driver was cleared of any wrongdoing.He also was quite shook up due to his accident and soon after quit Greyhound. So give the driver a break untill all the facts are presented.
  7. lookingup

    lookingup Medium Load Member

    Dec 3, 2006
    the truck they showed had no trailer.......But i never said it was the drivers fault, Heck I once saw an elderly man crawling through a parking lot like he was trying to make money off people insurance. j/k but like i said above it probably was a freak accident.....but maybe he was in a hurry never know wasn't there........sad story
  8. Young-Gun-101

    Young-Gun-101 Light Load Member

    Feb 18, 2007
    sad storie but you know what they say when you assume you make a ### out of you and me ###/u/me.
  9. lookingup

    lookingup Medium Load Member

    Dec 3, 2006
    tell that to the police officer at the accident, scene......some people like to break things down, what may or may not have happened.....sorry you feel that way..
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