A Newbie's Observations on the Road

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by keelady, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. keelady

    keelady Light Load Member

    I've only been out here a short time, but thought I'd share some observations I've made.

    1. Why is it that sometimes the pavement that looks so new and smooth can be some of the bumpiest when you have a full load? Also, why can't they make the ttransitions from pavement to bridges smoother. Wakes my co-driver up everytime.

    2. When you're getting sleepy on the road, Circus Peanuts can wake you up pretty quick. about 8-10 of them can wake me up for about 2 hours. Better than drugs. Gotta eat them slow though.

    3. Men have it easy on the road. When they have to 'relieve themselves', they can use a bottle. Women need to stop and use the facilities (nasty as they may be). It's not fair, but I'm learning to regulate my system to minimize stops. Co-driver knows that as soon as we stop, I'm out of there to use the facilities and he starts the fueling etc -- see -- he's trainable LOL!

    4. There may be a lot of garbage on the CB, but it is a very useful tool to keep abreast of road conditions etc. I've figured out that most of the garbage is just guys who are tired or bored trying to find something to do. Some of it is better than a comedy show!

    5. It pays to be courteous to other drivers on the road -- you never know when you need the favor returned.

    6. It's hard to type on a laptop while going down the road -- even harder to use the mouse or touchpad. Hard, but not impossible.

    7. When you're driving, drive for yourself, not other drivers. Go the speed you feel comfortable with no matter what others are doing (within limits of course). When weather is bad, don't assume that because other trucks are going faster than you that it is safe to do so. You never know which of those trucks may end up in a ditch or if you will be as lucky as the other guy at that speed. It only takes a second to be rubberneck fodder, but I'd rather be the one rubbernecking than the one being 'necked' at.

    8. When everyone on here says that trucking is not a job, it's a lifestyle, they are speaking the truth. I don't feel like I've worked a day since I've left my job at Target, but just living. I thought I'd like this, but I am surprised at how much I like it and how easily I've adapted to this lifestyle. I still have lots to learn and I know it's not all fun, but -- it's fun!:icon_jokercolor:

    OK, I've rambled on enough for now. Everyone stay safe out there!

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  3. Burky

    Burky Road Train Member

    Except for your number three (about number one and number two), I can pretty much agree with what you have to say. I have never found it neeeded to use a bottle. If I don't have the time to stop and use a bathroom somewhere, then i am doing something wrong. Once in a while in a morning, If i am parked way at the back of a dirt parking area, it is possible that I will use the boys room located directly behnd the truck. But I never fill a jug and carry it with me in the truck. That is one habit I will never have.

    Glad you are enjoying it. hope all continues well for you.
  4. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    YOU'VE done so well my FRIEND!:thumbright: :laughing1:
  5. Cybergal

    Cybergal Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    AGAIN!! Keelady on that number 3.....AWESOME!!!!:notworthy: ON the he's trainable aspect! LOL!
  6. mArTmAn

    mArTmAn Light Load Member

    Dec 23, 2006
    Greenville, MS
    :tongue: :bootyshake:
  7. sail

    sail Bobtail Member

    Mar 23, 2006

    About getting sleepy: that's absolutely correct - get something to chew on, as harder it is as better it wakes you up. It sure does not substitute a good night sleep, but it helps if it’s just monotone driving for hours. Jerky works well for me (if it’s taught enough).
  8. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
    its called something like "differential materials" between blacktop and concrete, or blacktop and steel (expansion joints) and the temperature changes. each product expands/contracts at different rates according to the temps. when this happens, there can be a "protrusion" at the joining surfaces.

    i never heard of "circus peanuts"..........to me, a peanut is a peanut is a peanut..........what in the world is the difference in a so-called circus peanut.........??

    yep, and sometimes i sing "Born Free, as free as the wind blows".......when i'm doing my thing at the side of the road. and you really don't need to "hold it in" till you get to a "facility" either..........just pull over, drop-trou, and "sing along" like anyone else..........:smt044

    true, at times. just some guy(s) tired or bored, eveen two drivers from the same company, or tw or more friends running together down the road.

    maybe, but don't "expect" it back, cuz it just don't happen that way in this world.

    this is a practice that if YOU ARE DOING, STOP IT.........you need your eyes on the road. if you swerve or crash, expect someone to find out what you were doing befoe the crash. laptops have memory, qualcomm has memory, On Board Recorders have memory........

    there, you see, go back to number 6, as this applies here as well.....right........??

    take your breaks when they are due. take your time off at home when they are due. eat right, try to get some walking (exercise), and be safe out there. and stay off that laptop while driving.............(you bascially admitted you use one while driving.!!)
  9. pro1driver

    pro1driver Heavy Load Member

    Mar 30, 2006
    North East, USA
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I've found that a truck rides better loaded.

    If you look on certain sections of asphalt highway, you'll that there are evenly spaced cracks running the width of the pavement. This is what happens when you lay asphalt over concrete, a practice I find destestable. Directly under every one of those cracks is a joint in the concrete. The Pensylvania Turnpike is an example of the problems this will cause.

    No thanks. I don't do nuts.

    Just be careful, and preferably discreet, about where you decide to relieve yourself in the event of no facilities available. In some places this will land you on the sex offender registry if a cop wants to make an issue of it.

    That will get old fast. I turn mine down when I get near a truck stop because IQ's seem to drop sharply in truck stops.


    Don't do that. If you are doing it, stop this immediately before you become a statistic.

    True, hence my response to number 6. Also, not all trucks are alike. Some will do better than others in wintry condtions. Tandem dump trucks tend to have the least difficulty, while the guys pulling trains will have all kinds of trouble.

    I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it. That's important with any job, regardless of what it pays.
  11. lobshot

    lobshot Sharpshooter

    Dec 30, 2006
    I dont think she meant that she was using the laptop while SHE was driving. I assumed she was using it while riding in the copilot seat or in the back. :smt039
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