Abilene Motor Express, Richmond, VA

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Auctioneer, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. JV_620

    JV_620 Medium Load Member

    Jan 29, 2016
    Centerville, MA
    Any information on any dedicated routes or dedicated accounts that they run in the Northeast area?
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  3. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    We have several regular customers but, to my personal knowledge, no dedicated routes.

    We do have a few that just shuttle loads between yards for OTR to grab.
  4. JV_620

    JV_620 Medium Load Member

    Jan 29, 2016
    Centerville, MA
    Thanks. I'm about to test for my Class A license up here in SE MA and Abilene Motor Express is on the short list. Assuming that I pass (the first time - Lol, as many who take the test up here in this state, do not pass the very first time), should I be contacting someone within the company to see if I could possibly get on there? One of the things that they've told us to do is to make sure that we have something lined up for once we have that license in hand, then we can be ready to go.

    The driver facing cameras thing kind of bothers me, but if they are as good to their drivers as this, and the other forum say that they are, I can deal with the trade off.
  5. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Refer to my reply in our main thread.

    VIDEODROME Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2007
    angola, in
    I'm from Michigan and considering this company. How often might I wind up in New York City or do drivers have any say on that? To clarify, I have run through the area crossing the GW Bridge to 95 on the way to Connecticut and while that does suck, I'm willing to do it. I'm just not interested in going over to Brooklyn or Queens.

    Also, how many miles per week do drivers get?
  7. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    We run 48 States so most of us OTR guys will touch NY/NJ a few times a year and one of our main customers has a location in Brooklyn.

    But, we also have NE Regional Drivers that take care of most of the NE loads and we mostly fill in as needed. I go through the area (Hartford, CT a few times) more than I go into it.

    OTR can count on around 3,000 a week but that does fluctuate from week to week.

    Been here a year and still think it's a good company... I came here as my training company and was just glad I avoided the Megas.... But after a year I think it's still a good company with many good people too.

    Check out our main active thread... Search Abilene and Home and you should see us.
    VIDEODROME Thanks this.
  8. johnwayne187

    johnwayne187 Medium Load Member

    Aug 6, 2016
    for this truck company, do u hve to wear a uniform or u can wear whatever u want. as long its presentable and acceptable ?
  9. MidWest_MacDaddy

    MidWest_MacDaddy Road Train Member

    Feb 21, 2015
    South Carolina
    Please visit our main active thread listed right above... Several active drivers there can answer your questions about Abilene.
  10. fyzo

    fyzo Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2013
    How true: ALL of it. ANYTIME they want!!!
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