After 4 weeks of Dump Trucking :D

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by BigHossVolvo, Aug 1, 2024.

  1. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Well guys, its been 4 weeks now since I quit Freight/LTL forever.

    Dump has been amazing, I know not all dump jobs are great, but this residential excavation/backfilling/stockpiling job is great!

    So far I've gone to a concrete recycling plant for 25mm crush, I've been to Site One for Washed 1/2 crush road gravel, I've hauled fill out of basement excavations, to backfills or the fill piles. Fill piles being loaded by big front end loaders, to backfills and pads. I also got to go to a big dig site, with 30-40 excavators working, and 80-100 truck and pups in line getting loaded.

    Stress Free, Paper DVIR's and no logs, basic time sheet, no ELD's, no Camera's, No ########, No Safety Department, Don't drive like an idiot, Don't dump without an operator directing you, everything will be fine and no one will have a problem. On site 7:30 until 4:00/4:30 latest. Absolutely no weekends, off early Friday of long weekends, Tuesday after long weekends the wind up is slower paced to get everyone back in the grove (Trucking the Tuesday after a long weekend was literally HELL). Fuel on the way back to the yard, at a cardlock just up the way. Washing is on you, but they have fleet wash bay cards for the local wand wash (I'm 100% fine with this, beats having some idiot mobile guy come out and make a mess).

    Glad I made the switch when I did, should have done it sooner, but maybe I had to do it now for it to work out.

    They say they're gonna build a Million Home's in Calgary, in the next 20 years, so I think this will be a retirement job for me. I might try and get a turn on this fancy new CAT 320 Excavator sometime, just for the heck of it.
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  3. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    Glad to hear your new gigs going good for you . I tried the dump trucking deal with my dad back in 2020 , his friend had a fleet of 6-7 tri axle dump truck and then had a huge winter plowing contract with Peel region worth millions. My dads friend offer to sell us two 2012 internationals work stars with unfortunately the crap force engines for $85k each interest free loans. . My dad put up all the money needed up front and i would have to then repay him . the trucks made $78 a hr or so we were told never saw any kind of contract that showed the rate . we got $71 a hr his friend took $7 a hr off each truck because he provided the work . I lasted less than a year when i realized truck ownership and starting up a company wasn’t for me . Plus the fact we were only making $700-800 a day minus $120-150 for fuel every day because we were driving out into the boonies for work . Then pay yourself and put away for repairs , insurance $220 a month truck parking, the off season, retirement and then truck replacement. It wasn’t worth it at $71 a hr unfortunately the new Canadians have cut the rates in toronto down to nothing. My dad lasted 1 more season and then he got out because it wasn’t worth it and he was always fighting with his friend to give him some local city work where you don’t burn any fuel

    My truck was the one above
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2024
  4. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    See that's a story I hear all to often, guys selling used trucks and a JOB to go with it (for a fee). I'm only a company driver, for a small company that is expanding. We are not doing plow or snow work at all, this is year round residential work for LARGE General contractors. What makes this job work for me and for the company, is these large contractors have standards, esp when doing City of Calgary work. The "New Canadians" Super Power of doing #### for free, as long as you don't mind scrap metal equipment, driven by idiots doesn't work here. They also have so much work, which they control the flow of, that they're not afraid to tell idiots to get lost and never come back. In 4 weeks, I've already seen a dozen "New Canadians" get themselves and their trucks fired 1-2 days in. Refreshing to say the least, after battling it out for 8 years, with the lowest of the low bottom feeders (XXX/A1, Rig Logistics, Deva Jatt, Syndicate, FastFreight, Transource Freightways, Kingsway, etc etc etc).
  5. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    Awesome. Congrats! I know the feeling. Getting out of ltl after 24 years was the best decision I ever made. My body is recovering and healing, sleeping 8-9 hours a day instead of 3, almost no stress. I’m glad it’s working out for you!
  6. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    We worked for some big companies like Furmar and I pac , a bunch of idiots over at i pac that treated you like sh$t and loved yelling at drivers . I pac they had mostly all residential roads and parking lot paving vs Furmar that did a lot of highway night time work that was only 5/6 hrs long each night . My dad has known his friend since he was a small kid i do think he was trying to give us an opportunity but at the same time was definitely only looking out for himself. True colours definitely came out after that experience

    I’m trying to get a new gig also that pays more but I can’t get anyone to call me back even with 16 years experience
  7. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Funny how that works - they tell you "it's paying $78 an hour and I'm only making $7 an hour off your trucks" but then they never show the contract. That's trucking...
  8. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    I guess you could say i went into it blind but since my dad has been in construction for 30 plus years and the fact he knew this friend since they were young i figured everything would work out . We were under my dads friends fleet insurance and parked at the same yard his friends did . His friend definitely tried to help us out in a lot of ways but didn’t at the same time .It’s true what they say don’t work with family or friends because it definitely didn’t work out for us . My dad was always butting heads with his friends son in law who was in charge of dispatching and fixing the equipment because he/they would send us out to the furthest out jobs and keep his guys in the city . There for we were burning $120-150 a day every day
  9. Cat sdp

    Cat sdp . .

    Apr 8, 2012
    Orion's Belt
    What happens in the winter?
  10. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    They keep rolling! Calgary has Mild Winters, so they keep digging and stockpiling. No Loam obviously, lots of flood mitigation work also. They also tarp in underground parking jobs, and keep everything warm, with trucks coming and going.
  11. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Thanks dude, you pretty much nailed it, body is healing (esp my knee's), getting quality sleep, no dreading Fridays/Mondays or the Fallout from long weekends. Zero stress, cause no ELD's and dirt doesn't have BOL's lol. We don't even have to sign in or out anymore, once you're on an approved contractor list, the operators just tag when they told you the days over on this APP, and as long as it lines up with your submitted invoice, no issue!

    Just a side note, road building/paving is ####. This is pretty much what everyone told me, and we're staying as far away from that as possible. @classicxl just confirmed in his post above.
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