Aim recycling out of Hamilton Any info on them

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by classicxl, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006
    Aim recycling has a job i’m interested in but they have a lot of Az driver job posting which worries me .Anyone have any info good or bad on them out of Hamilton
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  3. 6rider

    6rider Light Load Member

    Oct 24, 2016
    I had colleagues that worked there and said it was good for the most part. They paid pretty good per hour (in the 30’s I believe). Their only complaints were that there was a lot of bs to deal with from management and other aim colleagues (not sure on specifics as I never inquired cause I was never interested in going there just what they told me).
  4. classicxl

    classicxl Medium Load Member

    Dec 16, 2006

    Issues with Management seems to be a theme with them from what i read and then forced overtime. They seem to be hiring for every driving position there is by the countless ads

    love to know how many of your colleagues still work there.seems like every company has bad reviews of Management
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