All State out of Chicagoland

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Knightcrawler, Nov 27, 2024.

  1. Knightcrawler

    Knightcrawler Road Train Member

    Apr 10, 2017
    Mpls, Mn oops Ocala, Fl.
    They are apparently actively recruiting. Sent me a text today saying they got my information "from one of our previous campaigns". Ive never applied there. EVER. Would never in a million years do a LP. Havent filled out an application ANYWHERE in 7 years and, other than companies I actually went to work for, no "random" companies in 12 years. Google reviews show that for the past 2 years they are up to their same old tricks they did in years past. A word to the wise.

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  3. Fredflinstoneswig

    Fredflinstoneswig Bobtail Member

    Oct 3, 2024
    Lol some of those companies are starting to get desperate. Happens when they go thru most cdl drivers in America. Surprised they don't call upon African/Ethiopian drivers like most of the Chicagoland foreigner owned companies resort to. They actually fly them from Africa to work for them here in the States.
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