An old man's career goes flat, Snackbar moves to open deck

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by supersnackbar, Jul 27, 2022.

  1. Spardo

    Spardo Medium Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    St. Front la Riviere, France
    All the best to you and I am really glad that it wasn't more serious for you. We don't really get such extreme weather in our neck of the woods but way back in '99 something called La Grande Tempete came through here in the middle of the night. We slept through it but when I walked round in the morning there was a giant ok tree that had been uprooted just at the back of the house. I was due to start work in the new job the next day and had been given my journey information for the whole week. No way, every single road out of the village was blocked by fallen trees and I spent the next week with 3 other drivers in a small van and a chainsaw each, clearing the roads. Lots of other people were doing the same, only those that worked within a 5 km radius could get to work anyway.

    Took several weeks to finally complete the task and the commune gave a free communal meal for all those that helped. Not for me though, just volunteers, I was being paid so didn't qualify. Just pleased to have escaped so lightly though.

    Generally the official services couldn't cope, no electricity and no water for a very long time, but my wife and I decided to treat ourselves (with the dog) to dinner bed and breakfast in a nice hotel in the nearest city, 50 kms away. I noticed lots of little blue and white vans scattered about the parking area and then, at dinner time, lots of English voices at the other tables. A closer inspection of the little vans showed the words Eastern Electricity Board and they were all right hand drive. Fancy there you are in your little van doing what leccy workers do and home each night for dinner, then being dragged over a thousand kilometres to help out in a foreign country. I bet they loved it. :D
    201773, Knucklehead and Oxbow Thank this.
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  3. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    We have similar deals with other electric providers in other states. When a natural disaster hits, we have parades of out of state bucket trucks and service vehicles headed into the area that got hit. With this one though, such a large area in multiple states got damaged, so I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing trucks from the midwest and extreme northeast working around the area. We had dinner with friends yesterday. One guy who has been retired for a while, and has lived in this area his whole life said he has never been thru any storm as severe as what he went thru the other day. He said that he went into a local shelter at the local high school, and he said the gym was almost completely filled.
  4. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    On top of all this weather issues, my daughter-in-law messaged us from the ER last night. My son started getting severe pain in his upper abdomen. Turns out he has a severe infection in his gallbladder and will most likely have to go under the knife to have it removed.
  5. Spardo

    Spardo Medium Load Member

    Feb 7, 2024
    St. Front la Riviere, France
    It never rains but it pours, as they say in England, but also in view of your latest news, Bon Courage as we say in France at such times ;-)
  6. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA

    And we are one of the 195,444 customers waiting on rejoining the modern electrified world....and you thought waiting for a shower at a Love's was a long wait...
  7. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    They are on the way. IMG_7238.jpeg
    dwells40, Lonesome and Knucklehead Thank this.
  8. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    4mer trucker, Oxbow, Lonesome and 5 others Thank this.
  9. radioshark

    radioshark Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2012
    With all the damage there probably isn’t any freight, they will have to deadhead pretty far
  10. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA

    The view from my deck before I started cleanup.


    The back yard


    My road both directions

    PXL_20240927_123128948.jpg PXL_20240927_123118073.jpg

    The paved road leaving

  11. Trashtrucker1707

    Trashtrucker1707 Road Train Member

    Dec 30, 2017
    Sorry you’re having to deal with that buddy, I turned 40 this year, have spent my whole life in FL, hurricanes, and all of the other factors Florida has dealt with in the last few years, has me ready to check out. Hopefully you find normalcy sooner than later.
    Old_n_gray, Rugerfan, Oxbow and 2 others Thank this.
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