Another oil field hopeful...

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by THIRSTY, Mar 19, 2012.

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    THIRSTY Light Load Member

    Dec 23, 2011
    After several months of planning, learning, getting my CDL and finally getting my Hazmat approved, it is now my turn to visit the fields. I'll be loading up the car, saying goodbyes to my family, and hauling out down to TX by week's end, and should be rollin into town by next Monday, barring any delays or mechanical issues.

    I plan to start in Midland/Odessa area, then work my way around the state, and eventually towards ND should I strike out. I understand being fresh outta school, my choices are limited, but as others have posted here, I'm confident I can make something happen as well, and I hope that other hopefuls can benefit from my experiences.

    Before I go, just got a few questions for those currently there. Any suggestions, as to good restaurants, hotels, or ones to avoid would be appreciated. I know there's not much lodging available, so I'm prepared to camp it out if need be, until I get hired or move on. Anyone have any experience with Midessa oilpatch RV park?
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  3. kdc1899

    kdc1899 Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    It takes like 2 weeks to get a backround check completed so be prepared for 14 days of doing nothing related to earning revenue from the very first application approval and job offer.
    gdyupgal Thanks this.
  4. kdc1899

    kdc1899 Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    Not sure how long it will take to get that very first app approval and job offer.
    Pearsall, George West and many other towns SW of San Antonio are hiring hard for oilfield related trucking jobs.
    THIRSTY Thanks this.

    THIRSTY Light Load Member

    Dec 23, 2011
    It would suck, but doable finance wise.

    I will look there also, thanks!
  6. kdc1899

    kdc1899 Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    look on craigslist, carrear builder, monster city-data, "indeed" and here.
    You should have names and addresses of at least 75 - 100 companies in Texas; west of I-35. You should have called all of them by now so you know which ones you should concentrate on. I would imagine that there will be at least 1 company that will have already started a backround check on ya B4 you even depart on this (minimum) 6 week quest.
    It's great to have heart and all but it does sound like your just going out there without at least calling 50 of these companies to see if you can at least get a head start on the 2 weeks it takes to get a backround check completed (after you find a company to accept your application, do an interview, etc, etc).
    If your lucky; you're lookin at 10 weeks from today B4 you receive your first paycheck.
    That's 70 days of expenses outside of the expenses you have at home.
    It sounds like you are lookin 4 advice. My advice is that you get at least one company to accept your application, schedule your phone or skype interview ( a week or so after the app is accepted) and run the backround check ( these companies are running fifty of these backround checks per week. They have a budget for this portion of the HR process. If it takes 3 weeks for the sub contractor to run the check then so be it.).
    Even after you pass the backround check it does not mean you will be attending next weeks orientation. There may not be a slot open for weeks.
    Know what I mean?
  7. crosscut

    crosscut Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    I say what he says.. Very good advice!
    gdyupgal Thanks this.

    THIRSTY Light Load Member

    Dec 23, 2011

    I have a short list of who I want to work for, and have a few apps already sent out, in addition to scouring sites like CL daily. It may not sound like much, but I'm not going down there 100% blind, just following the footsteps of others who did the same thing and succeeded, and per their advice, to just get on down there in person. I appreciate the feedback, and certainly welcome it. 8)
  9. Me99

    Me99 Medium Load Member

    Jul 7, 2011
    If you have a clean background and mvr you'll be working by the end of next week if you want to. The only companies that are doing stringent backround check are the ones that absolutely have to (crude haulers and operators). Most companies especially out west are so hard up for warm bodies with a license they'll hire on the spot. I would tell you to go to there offices and yards with jeans and steal toe boots on cause there's a chance you'll get put with a trainer that day. I speak from experience. I've done it and seen many others do it. The oilfield is alot different than the trucking industry.
  10. jvar4001

    jvar4001 Medium Load Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    4 real ? . thats a good idea :biggrin_2558:
  11. kdc1899

    kdc1899 Light Load Member

    Feb 23, 2012
    It's not so much a stringent backround check as it is the enormous backlog the backround check companies have. No company is going to pay extra for an expedited check. For every 10 B/Cs they pay for there are 7 folks who are not hireable. Those 7 may not be invited to an interview but the hiring company still has to pay the B/C bill on them.
    The OP also has no CDL experience and obviously no tanker experience (enormous disadvantage) or hazmat experience.
    I'm fairly certain that I was correct to advise that if e is lucky he will get his first paycheck 70 days from the day he starts.
    If you know of all these companies that will hire on the spot maybe you could PM the OP so at least he can get some backround checks up and running B4 he even starts out.
    gdyupgal and FXDLTRUCKA98 Thank this.
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