Another Tennessee Multi-Truck Crash

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by TurboTrucker, Mar 10, 2007.

  1. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    Interstate 40 East near Dickson still down for several hours

    The eastbound lanes of Interstate 40 near Dickson were re-opened around noon today after a multi-vehicle wreck that killed at least one person Friday night, officials with the Tennessee Highway Patrol said.

    The accident happened around 7:20 p.m. and involved at least seven tractor-trailers and six cars. At least one tractor-trailer overturned. The victim's name hasn't been released yet pending family notification, THP officials said this morning.
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  3. Passin Thru

    Passin Thru Road Train Member

    Mar 8, 2007
    Driving too fast for conditions?? Most likely the cause. & trucks? GOSH I drove 1.5 million and was never in one involving other vehicles. Came up on osme bad ones tho.
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