Any Car Hauler O/O's On Here?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by MooneyBravo, Sep 20, 2024.

  1. MooneyBravo

    MooneyBravo Heavy Load Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    Vermilion, Oh
    I was wondering how long you've been one and how profitable it has been after expenses?
    I have always frowned on the lease purchase programs that have been offered in recent years. Accelerated Services out of Parker, CO offers such a program but I hear the trucks are way over priced. One driver, according to my ex terminal mgr at Moore Transport of which I was a driver for 7 1/2 years before they folded, supposedly netted over $160K after all expenses last year and was home every week. Whether it works or not I am told depends on who you talk to.

    I've been driving trucks since 1986 and started hauling cars in 2002. I have been out of the drivers seat for just over a year now since Moore closed shop. I was considering at my now healthy age of 66, giving it another 5 years in order to pay down my mortgage before hanging up the keys for good. I go on full SS in May of 2025. With all of that being said, would this being a doable option? Would you consider this?
    Any advice is welcomed.

    Thanks drivers!
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  3. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
  5. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    @Banker is a high rolling car hauler o/o
    Banker Thanks this.
  6. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    I'm up for a new adventure, where can find a lease purchase car hauling job with no car hauling experience :)
    Got lots of flatbed experience if that's worth anything.
  7. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    Lease purchase is a rip off unless you find the right company to actually buy from that doesn't haul freight.

    I'm finding out about some wanna be owner operators. Running locally. Basically they're buying themselves a job with ridiculously high payments. And no say over the truck and trailer.

    I can buy my own truck and trailer for $2500 ish a month or less. No way I'm paying some dude $11000 for 5 years and he don't even own the equipment.
  8. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
  9. Hammer166

    Hammer166 Crusty Information Officer

    Aug 18, 2007
    ~8600+' and loving it!
    @MooneyBravo, there's guys who make it at AS, but they run all over to do it. I think I'd call Waddle if I were in your shoes. They sound like good people from the FB friends that work for them. One of the guys just went back to work for them after trying out accelerated for a couple months. He had a lot of truck trouble right after he picked it up and basically said that after 2 months with no check that he was out. They welcomed him with open arms. He's a carhauler, not a guy who hauls cars, and you well know how rare we're getting to be.
    Banker and Diesel Dave Thank this.
  10. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Going on 9 years as a carhaul owner op and it’s the best 9 years of my 37 years in trucking. If you can’t double what a company driver is doing you are doing something wrong. A guy with a truck payment should definitely be able to do $160,000. I have a new rig on order currently.(keeping the Glider but getting a new headrack and trailer) Those who I know in person that have done a lease failed. @richardson918 is at Accelerated and he succeeded with a lease. The saying that it takes money to make money is not just some BS statement. Also those that I know who have bought used trucks some have succeeded and others have failed. The trucks that have EGR related issues and the owner op chases those problems usually fail. Those that get rid of those problems succeed.
    I second what hammer said, if you can get on with Waddle that would likely be better for you since you are a short timer. I have heard Waddle has a line of well qualified long time carhaulers waiting to go to work there so I believe they are rather picky. They seem to be one of the premier carhaul company in today’s market for company drivers and know what it takes to acquire and retain good carhaulers(money and good equipment)!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2024
    Hammer166 Thanks this.
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