I have a little over 2 years with clean DAC and no moving violations. I’d like to learn solo flatbed. But, I don’t want to drive one of the tractors with the smaller sleeper berth. Know any companies?
Any Flatbed Companies That Train and Have Larger Sleeper Area?
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by downplay, Jan 1, 2025.
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Flatbed Trucking Forumdownplay, Bean Jr., Numb and 1 other person Thank this. -
Only one I can think of that has nicer/larger trucks is Keane Thummel. Most others are specced to accommodate the freight, not the driver so much.Knucklehead, Feedman, downplay and 1 other person Thank this. -
Location would help. Where do you want to take home time?
downplay and blairandgretchen Thank this. -
TMC and Melton immediately come to mind.
downplay Thanks this. -
I am curious, why is there a need for a larger sleeper area? Unless you're going to buy your own truck you're going to end up with a standard size sleeping area.
Never been inside one but I'd imagine things are a lot more tight in the bunk area?
Knucklehead, OldeSkool and bryan21384 Thank this.
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