Any Flatbed Companies That Train and Have Larger Sleeper Area?

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by downplay, Jan 2, 2025.

  1. downplay

    downplay Light Load Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    I have a little over 2 years with clean DAC and no moving violations. I’d like to learn solo flatbed. But, I don’t want to drive one of the tractors with the smaller sleeper berth—I live out of the truck. Location doesn’t matter too much. Preferably not Detroit, Atlanta, or LA or similar. Know any companies?
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  3. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    Try the following companies -
    • Melton
    • Boyd
    • TMC
    • Maverick
    • Nick Strimbu
    • Central Oregon Truck Lines
    • PGT
    • Wylie
    • Earl Paddock
    • Jordan

    downplay and Chinatown Thank this.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025
  5. Buc

    Buc Medium Load Member

    Nov 17, 2012
    What's your definition of "smaller" sleeper? Depth? Roof height?

    If midroof is alright for you, then I know that—as long as you don't mind not having an APU included—TMC's 579s all have the 80" sleepers (with 22" TVs). It looks like Melton's T680s have the bigger sleepers, too. ATS runs several truck models, mostly 579s, a few Cascadias...can't speak to their sleepe size but they look to be at least 60", maybe bigger. Their trucks all have APUs and inverters, but you have to request a refrigerator. (Don't know what that's about.) Bison Transport USA also has a flatbed fleet...last I knew they're all Cascadias now (they used to have Volvo VNL760s), but the sleepers in those are pretty roomy, and if nothings changed they all have APUs, inverters and fridges included.

    Now, if you wanna get off the mega train, there's two smaller smaller flatbed outfits running out of southern Minnesota; I think they both train in flatbed since you have enough driving experience. One is Freerksen Trucking; the other is Valley Transportation. Both run long-nose 389s and 589s with the 72" sleepers (if I remember correctly), with APUs, inverters and I'm pretty sure refrigerators included. Last I knew, all but a small handful of Valley's trucks are 18-speed manual. You can also look down south at Montgomery Transport and Dixie Trucking in Birmigham AL (Dixie looks like they're moving to all KW T900s and W990s). Another company to check out is Kivi Bros, also out of Minnesota (they have a second terminal in Harrodsburg KY, sorta outside Lexington). They have a variety to trucks, some of which have the bigger sleepers...I believe their teucks all have APUs and inverters as well, dont know about refeigerators.
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