anyone no anything about crst.

Discussion in 'CRST' started by kluiy4, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. kluiy4

    kluiy4 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Anyone have any info about there cdl training. Is this a good company.
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  3. Bigray

    Bigray Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Tampa, Florida
    dont know about their training, they had contacted me after i had filled out a app. and pursued me, but when i asked for some spl. paperwork to go to a refresher course they required they just dropped the ball.
  4. notarps4me

    notarps4me Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2007
    I know that I would not want to work for them.:biggrin_25524:
  5. Johnny99

    Johnny99 Johnny be Good

    Nov 24, 2007
    Big Sandy Tenn
    I drove for CRST in the 80's. Their training program then consisted of putting some one fresh out of school with a "trainer" and then running them as a team. I trained two students for them and went back to running solo. They sucked big time then, and from some of the things I've read it ain't changed much. Their flat bed division {Malone} are owner/ops and the ones I knew were pretty happy.
  6. Marinegreen1775

    Marinegreen1775 Light Load Member

    Dec 26, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I can make a recommendation in regards to schools. Pine Bluff has a pretty good training program then you get hired on with LISA. The ones to stay away from are the ones that use dirt lots and really old equipment. LISA sent 4 nearly new tractors to pine bluff. The students I was in orientation with all drove pretty well. I went through CRE. What a bad career move.
  7. Scarecrow03

    Scarecrow03 Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    In Your Head
    I'm starting orientation with CRST Malone Monday 1/14. They look good from what I've heard of the two drivers I know who has been leased to them for the past few years. I'll happily give y'all a more detailed report as things go with them.
  8. cottontop

    cottontop Bobtail Member

    Dec 23, 2007
    stat away,their training is bad,terminals are filthy,they screw you out of pay,very unorganized,one of the worse companies out there.i worked for them for three long me you can do better
  9. TLOZ

    TLOZ Bobtail Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Athens, Texas
    I am re-entering the career. I had to go thru 2 week training again since it had been 6 yrs since I drove. Cedar rapids school Kirkwood was ok. I wanted to go back with Schneider but they cancelled all their training and refresher programs. Most I spoke with wanted at the min 3months RECENT driving experience. I had to start somewhere so I chose CRST. I figured if they were good to me I'd stay after my 8 months obligation. So far its been up and down on miles. I recruited my own team driver from hometown as it was difficult to find someone near where I live. I took on a take charge approach and communucated with my dispatch. They issued me a truck and I teamed with a driver till my friend graduated. He went to Arkansas school. They leave it up to you to find someone. They will give you contact numbers but its up to you to call and locate them, then you tell your dispatch when you've found someone. They will arrange the travel to get you together. Get your bills in order. It will be slow at first. Youd better really want it.
  10. trukngrl

    trukngrl Lollipop, lollipop...

    Mar 7, 2009
    Manchester, Ga
    I've been with CRST for a bit now and it has it's good and bad points.If you're looking for a place to just start your career they aren't all that bad.They have a short contract so if you're not happy atleast you're not stuck for as long as you would be with other companies.Make sure though that once you're out of training you keep on your dispatchers booty :biggrin_25525: i get pretty good miles but i'm constantly bugging the tar out of mine.As far as pay goes it would depend on your dispatcher i've had trouble twice since i've been here but as soon as i called my dispatcher about it he fixed it right away.Hope this helps and good luck out there
    Baack Thanks this.
  11. juan m

    juan m Bobtail Member

    Apr 20, 2009
    bakersfield, ca
    i have my class A and I was looking for job for 1 year witn no (+) results, now I'm going for orientation with CRST, any to go to all the process o only the refresh ?
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