Are'nt we over the road soldiers

Discussion in 'Road Stories' started by truckerswife11, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. truckerswife11

    truckerswife11 Light Load Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Tacoma, WA
    Our counterparts are no different from soldiers at war. Truck drivers&o/o are at war with this country just as much as a soldiers is at war on foreign soils. Drivers keep this country going at a great sacrifice of themselves-as much as asoldier protecting this country. They sacrifice family lives to supply food, commodies, materials, life's essentials, & more. Transportation companies, dispatchers, all do not even consider drivers human-ROBOTS-to be pushed to their limits, not even caring. So all that want to snipple on how things are, need to take a real hard look at themselves because we speak no voice to do anything about it to make it better for all!!
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  3. rwings

    rwings <strong>"Jet Force"</strong>

    Sep 7, 2006
    Portales, NM
    That’s an interesting thought; there are a lot of similarities between the two. However we are not necessarily putting ourselves in harms way, no one is trying to kill me while I am out doing my job.
  4. broncrider

    broncrider Road Train Member

    i am both an otr o/o and a reserve soldier

    while both have similarities...they arent comparable

    for one when im in my kw, i dont need to wear body armour
    but when in my acu's i dont need a log book

    the time sacrafices from family and friends are somewhat simial...but face it....6 weeks is alot shorter than 18 months

    and best of all i can stay away from the "shooting garrery's" when iim out toolin around in my kw
  5. Roadie363

    Roadie363 Light Load Member

    Sep 23, 2007
    Tulsa, Ok
    Thank you for your service Broncrider! Regardless of the amount of sacricfice, there still is sacrifice.
  6. Banners80

    Banners80 Bobtail Member

    Oct 26, 2007
    Interesting point
  7. Ducks

    Ducks "Token Four-Wheeler"

    Jan 1, 2007
    Southeastern Pennsylvania
    " much a asoldier protecting this country"?

    I'm sorry, truckerswife, but I disagree. Truckers play a very important role in our country and there is no doubt that OTR truckers do not get the home time that some would like. (Keep in mind that not all OTR truckers like or need a lot of hometime, from what I understand.)

    But the two -- trucker and soldier -- hardly compare.
  8. capnhector

    capnhector Light Load Member

    then of course you have the trucker soldiers who do it in iraq (loads of fun, lol) i spent a year over there and it was not fun from ied's to small arms fire. but at least the iraqis cant shoot for ####, try to hit you with an rpg and miss. speaking of that i was hauling jp8 (refined diesl used in jets and trucks over there) and heard a thump on my tank, we pull in to base camp and the mp's signal me to pull off into a large field, i had an rpg sticking out of my tank. thank god it did not go off.
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