Ashley Furniture? Good company?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BigD09, Jul 28, 2013.


    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015
    HMMM that inst what hr said to me--face to face, because I gave that as an example---

    U also get up 7 , number 6 is a verbal warning on time off--the 7th is warning in writing--

    Here is an example: of the wish list time off thing--fri(wish day off)sat-sun (does not count against you)mon (1 vac day)=4 day week end----no problem

    Heres another example: I need mon and tues off heavy dental work, root canal and crown work--that only counts as 1 event day off--for those 2 days.

    Heres another example: my wife is really sick, and I have to stay home for a few days-mon, tue and wen (3 days) I need a doctors note saying I am ok to return to work---this only counts as 1 event, not 3
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    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015

    yup at this time we work together on some of the loads, they load there trls at the Ashley factory's, and haul the loads to us in some locations
  4. Eeyore05

    Eeyore05 Medium Load Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    You best check back with hr again. That dentist deal you gave would be 2 days. It's 5 DAYS not off time events. DAYS

    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015
    Nope I stand by it, I had chance to talk for an hour, with the person in charge of hr, and then had it confirmed with other person that was in ecru spreading the word
  6. Eeyore05

    Eeyore05 Medium Load Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    I'll be back in the yard tomorrow, I'll double check. But I tend to believe it's days. Otherwise you could take a month off in 1 event. That won't fly. The problem now is guys taking too many days off, and not being productive enough.
    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Thanks this.

    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Light Load Member

    May 10, 2015
    I agree with almost everything you said above, and they have said it is also to curb the abusers but, let's say u have the flu and u are really a medical reck with it, and u call in and let them know what is going on, and u miss let's say 4 work days, u get a doctors note saying it's ok to return to work, that would qualifie as 1 event, not 4 events.

    The doctors note would be the key in this one.

    The example u have given above about the month off, would have to be approved by Hr/Management, that person would or could be terminated.

    Here's another one, let's say I call in, and take 2 days off, no vacation time, not sick, and gave no reason, and it was not approved as a single unit, then it would count as 2 events, and it would take 1 yr to earn those back.

    Now the events can be taken as they outlined any time for basically no real reason. Going back the dental problem, of the monday and tues off, what should be done is call in, let them know what is going on, they would give there blessing for it, and it would be 1 event charged to you, and again it would take 1 year to get the use of that event pass, back to use again.

    Now on page 2 of driver polices and procedures, paragraph 5, it says we will not be charged for Saturdays or sundays.

    On page 4, paragraph 3 and 4 contradicts each other, but was told to go with paragraph 3 this were I also made some notes an absence can be approved up to 3 days, and would count as one. But anything after 3 would also require a doctors note, or documentation substantiation acceptable reason for the absences to return.

    This is outlined in paragraph 7, 3 or more days, the core issue here is to call and talk to them and hand shake on what u need.

    And the last page is not to bad, policys FAQ.
    remember everyone is a little different, and the issues we deal with are not always the same, again so call first and talk with them first and get it approved, and if you do not agree, get with HR.

    Example if I broke my leg, and I am out for 3 weeks, if nothing else covers it, it would be considered 1 absence, as explained to me,
    pony express 0001 Thanks this.
  8. CarolinaCreeper

    CarolinaCreeper Bobtail Member

    Feb 20, 2016
    Starting orientation the 18th. PTP out of advance, can someone give me the run down on how they will route me at first? Leesport? Regional is what made me apply.
  9. SouthEastPTP

    SouthEastPTP Bobtail Member

    Apr 13, 2016
    lol that's the $64,000 question every week. What will I win in the load lottery?

    If you get a truck up there like most of us did, you'll get a transfer back out of Arcadia to advance for your first trip.

    After that initial reset at home you could get 30 miles to Linwood or you could get 250 to Richmond or you could get 650 to Tampa or 1000 to baraboo. Yes, you could do a Leesport week right out of the gate. There's just no way to know. There is no preference shown in dispatch between the new guys or the old hands.

    One big piece of advice that I think all of us will agree on - don't let the short trips frustrate you if you get a bunch of them back to back. This isn't a how many miles can I get type of operation. In the beginning its hard to get used to. The shorter trips are the money trips once the D/H pay gets added in. That said, they'll run you. The miles and money are pretty consistent every week no matter what types of trips you run
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
  10. Eeyore05

    Eeyore05 Medium Load Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    They won't route you any different then the rest of us. If you get hired here, by the time you are done with orientation. You should be good to go
    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Thanks this.
  11. classic_150

    classic_150 Medium Load Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    South Dakota
    Very well put. I had a hard time with all the short trips when I started, until I saw how much the D/H pay added.
    ASHLEYDRIVER2013 Thanks this.
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