Ashley Furniture? Good company?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BigD09, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. flyingmusician

    flyingmusician Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2011
    Jamestown, NC
    2974 miles on the check this week, 2949 for next weeks check. Nice to get 4 figures in the bank right out of the gate. Next weeks check will be about the same.

    Other than being a little slow and taking my time learning the system, what to anticipate based on where I am ( already see a few patterns in where you are / what you get for the next load ) and where the locations are, no complaints at all. Nice truck, nice to pass guys I used to have to settle in behind and stare at, and loving having the APU.

    Only real hiccup so far the peoplenet computer in my truck got a mental illness this week and freaked out and had some downtime due to a software upload....and going to have to get it done again because it uploaded the previous version, not the one it's supposed to have on it.

    Once im comfortable with the locations and the way of doing things and don't have to think so much about what I'm doing and just do it, I can see some real money to be made here.

    And the raise didn't hurt either lol

    now to just rise in seniority just a bit and get some newbie to bring me down one of those sweet kw's like I had to do when I came down from Arcadia after orientation lol
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  3. ONESHOT1997

    ONESHOT1997 Medium Load Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Brandon Fl.
    Please keep in mind we do have some slow weeks, and I look forward to them late spring early summer, some weeks can dip into 2100 to 2400, but for me I look forward to it, and just take some extra home time.

    The past 4 weeks was 3500, 3800, and 2900, 3200, been having a few of the one stoppers for $50.

    Hopefully they told ya that around 500,000 they trade the trucks in, and you should get a new one to replace it.

    Driver care MGR, should be back this week coming up and he should have a upgrade program to get peoplenet fixed or updated.

    And if you haven't figured it out yet, peoplenet is not the best GPS program to follow in a big truck LOL

    You got spoiled already driving one the new trucks. LOL

    Ya the apu is nice, 1800 watt converter, and the frig/freezer makes it a little easier on the road. Also not having every load with a timed del appt.
  4. flyingmusician

    flyingmusician Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2011
    Jamestown, NC
    Yeah that routing/mapping section of that box isn't the greatest. I've beat it on route/time/eta every single time.

    They did go into the trade-in schedule on the trucks but both Dustin and the folks in Arcadia said everyone running out of advance would have a 680 sooner rather than later. The Volvo is more user friendly from the drivers seat but the 680 sure is a lot more space and a lot more livable for downtime. The one I got only had 159k on it and the guy I brought the 680 to handed it off to me. He got it new and wasn't expecting a newer truck so soon. Hopefully I'll do the same to someone else within a year or so lol

    ever done Leesport to elysburg to Leesport? What a narrow 2 lane straight up straight down 90 degree turn small town pain in the ### that 116 miles is lol I will say this for them though, for every short pita like that I've had they backed it up with long miles so far. Planners seem decent at maximizing your clock so far and I like to run on the ragged last minute edge like that.

    I wont mind mind the slow weeks when they come They're running me to the last minute right now lol
  5. ONESHOT1997

    ONESHOT1997 Medium Load Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Brandon Fl.
    Nope have,nt done Leesport thing, I usually stay south of Advance to Houston to Arcadia to Brandon circle. And on the last min running you are right, there's been a lot of times I had to go back and trim my log hours to make it work on people net.
  6. rotax74

    rotax74 Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    holland patent, ny
    we got a raise? that's news to me. Ive been getting held up on backhauls and this week I didn't get in till this morning so ill leave out Wednesday, ran 3200 miles this week, so far im happy with them.
  7. flyingmusician

    flyingmusician Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2011
    Jamestown, NC
    Penny and a half starting on all loads completed on or after 8-10
  8. ONESHOT1997

    ONESHOT1997 Medium Load Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Brandon Fl.
    Yes and they give you a turkey for thanksgiving, well almost $20.00 card for one. LOL

    My time off has just rolled out a day, got home on sunday, truck had a serious air-leak, ready to roll Tuesday noon-time, I actually like work days off, I can get more done around the house.
  9. flyingmusician

    flyingmusician Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2011
    Jamestown, NC
    Yeah me too. Much easier to get things done. I'm doing tue-sun right now and it's working out pretty good.

    Wish my my first trip out each week was longer. So far I head out on tue with 250-300 mile shorties and start mid day. Kinda makes the week start out behind the 8 ball even though I get pushed hard and make it up by the time I get in. Starting the week tomorrow with advance to Richmond for relay
  10. rotax74

    rotax74 Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    holland patent, ny
    nice. I don't mind having off during the week, but my fiancé is still working and only has weekends off. so she gets a little upset.
  11. ONESHOT1997

    ONESHOT1997 Medium Load Member

    Jul 3, 2011
    Brandon Fl.
    Yep I hear ya, just me and my old-lady she runs a doctors office, and needs Saturday off by her-self to de-compress-LOL
    Been married to her for 39 years I listen well, when she needs her space. LOL
    Besides gives me a little time to take the bike out, less traffic on a work day.

    My week starts out good because of how far Brandon FL, is from either factory, so I am at least 724 pay miles there and back a short trip would be to Atlanta Ga. about 425, but if that happens with a soda load I can usually get a lay over fee out of them.

    Did they tell you folks about the bonus that is paid out at the beginning of Dec. Last year it was about 1500.00, they asked last year if you wanted it to be cash or put in your 401k, 2/3 of it was paid out in Dec., and the rest about April of the following year.
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