Attention all rookies and wannabes: Local Jobs for New Drivers

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by 7122894003481, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Mr Ed

    Mr Ed Road Train Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Retired in Taunton Ma
    Well,I had trouble reading that "first thing first" post.Guess my eyes are bad.
    I totally agree with you.Never spent a day OTR,never wanted to.
    Wargames, 7122894003481 and mje Thank this.
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  3. FreightlinerGuy

    FreightlinerGuy Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Great Lakes, USA
    Thanks, Harvey.. I'm going to apply to all that will take my app. I don't want to go OTR if I can get something local, or even regional. Heck to be honest I would probably enjoy working on the dock driving a forklift for awhile.. I'll apply to them all, and let ya know what they say.

    USF Holland

    - Qualified drivers should have a valid Class A CDL with a HazMat endorsement and minimum one-year and/or 50,000 miles verifiable driving experience operating similar-type equipment.

    ABF Freight

    - 0 job openings in Ohio. Only MD, NJ, PA, VA.

    Dayton Freight

    - Tons of positions.(Applying)

    Old Dominion

    - Not many positions.(Applying)

    R&L Carriers

    - No positions in OH, KY, WV.

    Estes Express Lines

    - Not many positions.(Applying)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2012
    mje, 7122894003481 and hardworkinman Thank this.
  4. striker

    striker Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Denver, Co
    Um, no offense, but based on what I see of UPS Frieght and regular UPS line-hual and local tractors, your getting into a pot/kettle thing here with your comments about SAIA.. I know in my area, all the UPS freight tractors are at least 10 yrs old, most are closer to 15. The regular UPS tractors are pushing 10 yrs, although I did see they got 18 new tractors last fall (two have already been totalled), and another 10 on order due sometime in April.

    Fedex seems to get new 4 to 8 new tractors every 4 months, and the mexicans are buying up the old ones.
    Arkansas Frost and mje Thank this.
  5. FreightlinerGuy

    FreightlinerGuy Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Great Lakes, USA
    What are the Mexicans doing with the trucks?
  6. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    That's EXACTLY what my son did !!! Went to work for Coca-Cola stocking shelf's at the local store's and when they offered the opportunity to go for his class A, he went for it at NO COST to him. As a matter a fact, He was getting paid at the same time he was going to class. I've brought this up before in other thread's, but the newbie's are to LAZY to do the RESEARCH so let them do it the hard way. BTW, my son is no longer at Coke, he drive's for U.S. Food's which are nationwide, UNION, and love's it.
  7. Diesel Dave

    Diesel Dave Last Few of the OUTLAWS

    Jan 20, 2010
    Hesperia, Ca.
    What difference does this make !!!??? There are well maintain and besides YOU HAVE A JOB !!!!!!!
    mje and Shaggy Thank this.
  8. FreightlinerGuy

    FreightlinerGuy Medium Load Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    Great Lakes, USA
    I'm trying to get on Coca-Cola myself... If I got on at coke I'd retire there...
    mje Thanks this.
  9. Logan76

    Logan76 Crusty In Training

    Jul 12, 2009
    kittanning, PA
    Great post, I did some reigonal work here in there out of a daycab but I've never been OTR either. I started out at a lumber company doing anything from tractor trailers to stake body gmc 4500's stocking drywall...
    7122894003481 Thanks this.
  10. 7122894003481

    7122894003481 Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2011
    FreightlinerGuy Thanks this.
  11. albhb3

    albhb3 Medium Load Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Shut-up stupid nobody else needs to know these things:biggrin_25525:
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