Attention is being brought to the issues regarding the trucking industry

Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by drvrtech77, Dec 1, 2024.

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  2. Arctic_fox

    Arctic_fox Experienced mx13 execrator

    Sep 16, 2016
    Now comes the question. Will things improve? Or will the government show up to "help". Afterall our government has such a wonderful long standing track record of only ever making things better! <insert so much sarcasm that it has formed a black hole under its own mass here>

    Regardless of who is in the office and how i feel about them. I still trust the government about as far as i can throw my own truck. And trust they will get things RIGHT even less until i see it with my own eyes.
  3. TheLoadOut

    TheLoadOut Road Train Member

    Nov 6, 2019
    I dunno....E for effort?
    broke down plumber Thanks this.
  4. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Who is this guy, and who made him the spokesperson for all truckers? He sounds like just about every trucker out here.....complaining about the same ####. I love how he says that a bunch ch of illegal immigrants obtained CDLs..on national TV, with no actual proof that they're illegal. Maybe I just have a hard time grasping why so many people automatically think that a Latino person is illegal.....I'm only using Latino because he used Venezuela as the example country. The whole notion that the ELD mandate caused reckless driving is a myth in my opinion. It's 11 hrs per day driving. If you can't make a living driving 11 hrs a day, you need re-training, or better yet, time management classes. The drivers that want the ELD mandate repealed are guys that can't get with the times, they hate change. The cause in accidents are moreso related to speed, poor training, not paying attention, driver error, things of that nature. Many drivers think that the ELD mandate is making drivers speed and drive reckless, that's just bull stuff. I saw a lot of the same nonsense before the mandate.

    The reason why so many people quit trucking at the rate that they do is simply, they aren't cut out for it. It has nothing to do with all the other stuff. It's lifestyle that's too steep of a price for many to pay. You can make good money OTR, but you miss everything. You can't truly have a normal life and drive OTR, and the first event/holiday many of these drivers miss gets them sad and lonely, and that point, it's only a matter of time til they quit.

    I really don't think the industry is as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It isn't perfect but what is? I could be doing a much harder job for the money. The industry is never going to be this nirvana that many drivers want. It's work. I think rather than trying to make the industry change, drivers should adjust the way they think about the industry.
    86scotty, Mr.Silky, D.Tibbitt and 5 others Thank this.
  5. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger Road Train Member

    Jun 3, 2018
    Wouldn’t someone still be considered “illegal” if they had obtained a CDL skirting laws such as reading and writing and complete comprehension of English and or road signs?

    just wondering since it is the law if I’m not mistaken.
  6. The_vett

    The_vett Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    So Cal / PNW mostly
    Many states give the test for CDL in Spanish. Some exclude the hazmat portion.
    How could they be against the law to not know English when they can't/don't even have to take the test in English?
    broke down plumber and Numb Thank this.
  7. ElmerFudpucker

    ElmerFudpucker Road Train Member

    May 17, 2024
    Federal Register :: Request Access

    It’s been law for 87 years. But in the name of equity and cheap labor your state governments have sold you out.
  8. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Sure....I guess, but that really wasn't the point of what I was saying, nor was it the most important part of what I was saying. I'm just not going to assume that someone is illegal just because they come from another country. They get the benefit of the doubt from me. If you want to talk about reading signs, I think drivers moreso ignore signs as opposed to being unable to read signs.
    The_vett, Kyle G. and Numb Thank this.
  9. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    While the feds look the other way
  10. LoneRanger

    LoneRanger Road Train Member

    Jun 3, 2018

    As an immigrant myself I demand road signs be in my native tongue.

    I have yet to see any Spanish road signs in the USA apart maybe near the boarder.

    Maybe just maybe states are skirting federal law this way?

    Maybe im mistaken but the Colorado crash was because the guy couldn’t read signs.

    So legal on state level illegal on federal level. Like cannabis laws. Both can be true at the same time.
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