My Husband & I are looking for a great Company we can run Team and stay on the Southern route I-10
I-20 Cali-FL GA we are both experienced with excellent record, any recommendations would be highly appreciated
Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by fcfightermma, Dec 3, 2024.
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I am not sure what lanes they have available, but, the pay rate for teams is pretty good.
Team Drivers
Tractor Trailer Drivers | Careers at UPS
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Teams are in particularly high demand right now -- as carriers are attempting to extract as much return as they can from each available tractor.
You don't say just how much experience you each have...but with that said, look at:
- Old Dominion
- R & L carriers
- Linde/Praxair
-- Lfcfightermma Thanks this. -
They're all 3 good choices.
I'd go with UPS where you both can earn a fat pension and have union benefits. I'm not a big fan of unions, but in the case of UPS, will make an exception.
fcfightermma and Eddiec Thank this. -
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fcfightermma Thanks this. -
Thank you all very much
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