Boyd Bros

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by Pedy6Pak, May 2, 2007.

  1. I have done a search and have not come up with much. I am really looking hard at this company. Any and all information would be appreciated. I was planning to go with McElroy, but they have a 16 year old rider policy and my son is 12. If I am going to be gone, I would like to be able to take him along in the summer time. Anyway, getting back to Boyd, my recruiter, Michelle told me I would be going to Ohio for training. I want to know what drivers think of this company. Anyone out there know anyone driving for them?

    Thanks in advance,
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  3. Cerberus101

    Cerberus101 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2006
  4. musictrucker

    musictrucker Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    Hey Pedy6pak-When you going.I'll be there next week.
  5. As it is right now, I will be there the 14th. Are you going to Cincinatti Ohio? I finish school up this weekend and go to the DMV to take my drivers test Monday. Unless I choke, I should have my CDL by this time next week. Last Sunday my instructor told me that as long as I drive the way I do for him when the DMV tester is in the truck, I will have no problems. We will see. I don't think I will have a problem. If I get it next week, I will be driving to Cincinatti on Mothers Day. My goal is to get past the training while I am still getting a Paycheck from the Navy. I am on terminal leave through the 30th of June. The normal pay checks stop and the retirments checks start in July.

  6. Musictrucker, I sent you a PM with my email address.

  7. Slyydaddy

    Slyydaddy Light Load Member

    Jun 30, 2007
    Could you provide feedback on your Boyd experience so far?
  8. tomo1

    tomo1 Bobtail Member

    Nov 3, 2007
    I have not driven for them but have done business with their company several times. Their management is top notch, with deep rooted values. Hope that helps.
  9. Slyydaddy

    Slyydaddy Light Load Member

    Jun 30, 2007
    I'm thinking about applying. I have to give my job a months notice. So I will probably transition into the trucking industry after 1/1/08. Two of my cousins are 0/0s for WTI.

    BESL TRANSFER FOR O/O'S Bobtail Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Please check out all companies before you get involved. Not doing so can hurt you and your family.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  11. cruisecontrol

    cruisecontrol Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    Rockingham, NC
    I worked for Boyd for 2 1/2 years. I stayed after the 1st paycut, then the 2nd paycut. After my favorite Dispatcher in the world left, I was still there. After the trucks speed and power were cut 4 times, I was still there. Then came the day my new dispatcher (which i put up with for 6 months) had pissed me off...I quit. Even after I asked several times for a new fleet manager, I was given a run around. I felt as if they just did not want to deal with me, and hire more of the Arrow drivers that just lost their job so Boyd could pay them even less. They called me to come back to Boyd, but i wanted to be guaranteed I would not have to put up with that b*#&% in dispatch. They told me they would do what they could. Other than her, I didnt have any other real problems with the company. Decent pay, ok benefits, ok equipment. Anyone have any questions at all, I can answer all of em.
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