burns harbor orientation
Discussion in 'CR England' started by supraboy757, Jul 26, 2008.
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You posted 2 days ago..which means if you had oreintation starting monday your already there, However, I researched the hotel online before i went there,found out it was suppose to be lice infested, almost decided not to go, but i went, got my cdl and left them, I was just there in April, didnt have a problem with lice, but stayed on the housekeeping crew for extra cleaning supplies and bought my own cleaning supplies and had a clean roommate that helps. The hotel is in hammond,in..bus takes 20-30minutes to take you to traing facility in burns harbor, good luck, I had a bad trainer and got off the truck after 6 days, I had been in trucking for 11 years, driving straight trucks for 10 years, so i decided even with all the bad stuff i read about cr england to tuff it out.
i haven't gone yet and i wouldn't be going with a trainer just seeing if they put u in a hotel or a dorm like they do in salt lake
well aginst my better judgment i am going to go drive for the great england lol i will only be a company driver and they want me to start coaching after 30 days this is the reason i chose them i love coaching but i will keep everyone updated on what is going on and how things go since i know everyone will tell me i am a moron and well get screwed over in the end but i know how to work the system and make things work and i keep very good records so wish me luck and i will keep this updated
Yeah, they put you in a hotel in hammond,in. I heard about the dorm setting in SLC. Funny thing i live outside baltimore,md but i was born in hampton,va..i see your from hampton..my dad was in the military. Take care and good luck!
what is the orientation part like ?
meet some people, watch some company videos, paperwork and more paperwork. I f going through the school lots of paperwork and classroom time and time on the pad
no im not going to the school i have 3 years of exp i am going there to coach
man u gotta love a cheap skate company i am supposed to leave on the bus today and got a call saying they couldn't verify a company cause pepsi charges 20 dollars to verify ur employment i have my w-2's and everything but that is a exspense that they just have to deal with i told them if it was that big a deal i will pay the 20 bucks they wanted me to fax a copy of my w-2's and a notarized letter from my former supervisor stating i worked there what a bunch of crap and i haven't even got to orientation yet
ok so i made it threw there hiring process which is stupid when they approve u for orientation u aren't really approved i had to wait a day after i finished orientation to find out i was hired.. ok about the hotel in burns harbor it is nasty i got bed bugs from it was hard to get them out of my clothes and suit cases there was nothing around the hotel i had to walk almost 2 miles to a store they do have a van but it is always packed there is 3 levels of england students and orientation poeple,, the burns harbor yard its self is actualyl very nice i was suprised.. another down fall it took almost a week to get my lease truck which i didn't get paid for waiting which sucked but i did get the truck i wanted a 09 freightshacker cascadia beautiful truck my miles are good i am avg about 3500 a week miles and my mpg is around 7.6 on a heavy load to 8 or 9's on a light load and the 7.6 load was a 42k load threw wv on 77 and i had a family emergency this week and they got me home within two days which was mostly cause i was two days away from home but they did bend over backwards to help me out all in all it is ok so far but it has only been 3 weeks into it so we will see
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