Business Plan/ Mentor Needed

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by haider99, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. Dye Guardian

    Dye Guardian Road Train Member

    Jan 10, 2015
    Where abouts is the yard (general area)? I'm just curious because I know of two flatbeds being stolen from North Bay a few weeks ago. Both trailers were recovered.

    The stepdeck had a gps tracker on it and the B-train was called in illegally left dropped at a truckstop in or just north of the GTA (with the load of lumber still on it, surprisingly).
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  3. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Yard is on Hwy 27 and Steeles.

    The investigator was saying..90% of these thief are Indian who do it for Herion.
    Dye Guardian Thanks this.
  4. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    This is where I say thieves of this nature get what's coming when they get a dose with a bit too much fentanyl in it and it's their last day. I would much rather see them get help, and I do not care what people do in their own homes - but as soon as they start causing injury to others through stealing or any other negative action towards someone else - in my book life would be easier if they were dead. A good example of a problem fixing itself.
    SavageMuffin Thanks this.
  5. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Its been about 8 days since the trailer was stolen. Now I am thinking perhaps it has been re- vinned and in use, since the trailer was nicely speced with a lot of new parts installed by me.

    Also, gave a deposit on another dry van. Stoughton 2007 for $7000. A contact's friend was selling a few. Gotta get back in the road...not many Power only loads out there and I needed a second van anyways.
  6. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    I am sitting at a shipper which was suppose to load me after hours. Find our half of the product is in the other warehouse which does not open until tomorrow morning. Because of this, my backhaul will either cancel or I run there empty to pick it up back-haul.

    Called and emailed broker and they said if driver could pick up tomorrow. Since then no word from the broker.

    How much TONU should be billed and it was not added in the confirmation.

    Pickup was 150 km away.
  7. LoudOne

    LoudOne Medium Load Member

    I'm figuring tonu is demurrage? Or lost time? If your losing the other job I'd be thinking that's your cost. Unless you have a backup. Which load is more important to your ongoing business.? Is this a repeat customer? Who's fault was it brokers or shipper?
  8. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Both I think. Load isnt ready. Broker isnt emailing back. I am heading the PA empty. Is this fine?
  9. LoudOne

    LoudOne Medium Load Member

    Can you afford to wait and miss the backhaul? Or reschedule the backhaul?
  10. LoudOne

    LoudOne Medium Load Member

    At some point your going to have to make educated calls. It's your business. We don't know your customers. Or your running costs.
  11. not4hire

    not4hire Road Train Member

    May 16, 2012
    TONU - Truck Ordered; Not Used
    Doesn't apply if the carrier is going to cancel the load. Demurrage/detention would be appropriate if the carrier is delayed.
    LoudOne Thanks this.
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