Business Plan/ Mentor Needed

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by haider99, Jan 17, 2016.

  1. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    If you are moving forward with your authority you can use the one that is currently parked as your first to get the insurance started.
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  3. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Yes, that is the plan.

    I will not be touching the units leased on to the carriers.

    Based on your experience, what are some good lanes to run into U.S if the person is willing to be home everyday/ every other day/ once in 5 week days and weekend

    The rate I have in my mind is $1.80 - $2 a mile.

    Also, if you were looking for a U.S run job, what would you want? You mentioned some things in my other thread.... is there anything you would like to add?
  4. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    There isn't one magic lane that always works for everyone. This is where you need to piece together your plan and then make it happen. Decide where you want to begin looking and start calling brokers. This is where the loadlink is helpful. When you get it setup you will see loads posted, call on them. Ask if it is a regular thing, how often they get these loads, get as much information as you can. If you are a good carrier they will want to load you every week, or every day even maybe. It takes time to build a good relationship. You will want to be ready to go when you call on a load. If you call and you don't have a truck available they will ask why you called. Do that too much and they won't give you the time of day at all. Another situation where it helps to also be a driver.

    I just do my reefer work. I have different lanes for different seasons.
  5. dlstruck

    dlstruck Medium Load Member

    Sep 8, 2016
    Being home every day or every other day is tough. I run mostly local and regional and I still have to sleep in the truck a few times a week. In a perfect world, I'd be home almost daily. But #### happens, shippers load too slow, receivers unload too slow, so it doesn't make sense to go home every night. Coming home every night would mean taking cheap loads sometime, and that's something I don't do. I follow wherever the money takes me. What kind of miles are you doing? I usually stay under 1000 and I'm averaging just under $3/mile for the past 6 months. Long haul isn't paying well these days for me. I'll book something if it's over $2 a mile and 1500+ miles but those loads only seem to pop up a few times a month now. At those rates, I'd rather just stay close by and make the same amount.
  6. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Search AZ DRIVER on Kijiji/Craiglists and there will be 100s of ads hiring drivers for OTR work, half of those ads have worse english then what a 6 year old would put together.
    What do I have to offer to differ from those ads and get some good drivers onboard and have a successful business model, is something crucial for me to research, analyze and acquire.

    I think I should ask this question in a new thread to see what other people say.
  7. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014

    Based on your knowledge and experience, is there any money to be made running local within Ontario and be home everyday?
  8. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Same as anything.
    Difficult, but not impossible.
  9. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Just wanted to know what is the best way to get contracts for produce coming out of California. Are there some shippers that I can research/ visit in Ontario or loadboards is the most effective way?
  10. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Produce brokers...

    The rates are all over the place from week to week and day to day
  11. haider99

    haider99 Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Did you acquire your USDOT and MC# on your own or you paid someone to do the application. I have been quoted $850 for USDOT, MC # and another number (I forget).

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