Caledonia Haulers Caledonia, MN ??

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by groundpounder, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Construction jobs up here pay nothing tried that this summer and made a whopping $14 an hour...That doesn't go far in whats left of this over taxed mess that is upstate NY...

    All I'm really looking to do is get on with a company that has some southern freight lanes and decent equiptment..

    I guess if it comes down to it and nothing shakes loose I'll have to bite the bullet, eat some crow, and take a regional job....

    The thought of climbing in a under powered fleet dog running the northeast at 65 mph or less makes me itch and that scenario is an extreme last resort.. :-?

    Best of luck to you as well I know Florida is a pretty tough market..
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  3. RJ33RD

    RJ33RD Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Baltimore, Md
    I hope for the best for you drivers but I already made my mind up to find a local job with a early start time, so I can return to school to get a degree in computer information systems. ... I just want to land a career so when I'm older I can just sit back and relax. The only sweating I want to do is either from having RELATIONS with the wife and getting into my car after work during a heat wave lol. GOOD LUCK DRIVERS!
  4. giants14701

    giants14701 Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    When your having relations make her do all the work lol.
  5. RJ33RD

    RJ33RD Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Baltimore, Md
    Lmao @ giant sounds like a plan!
  6. riptide11

    riptide11 Bobtail Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    OK, Groundpounder, I called Zack yesterday, you are right, straight shooter.......told me I would come to the mid-west, and run there, until time to go back to CA..........regardless, I talked to Dean after......and found out I do not have recent enough experience!! My last verifiable driving job was in 12/08......didn't seem too long to me, but........the insurance companies now want at least SIX MONTHS DRIVING IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS ALSO!~:biggrin_25513:, regardless of your record, or years of experience.......he said too many ex- drivers have come back on the road, and got involved in accidents, that they have to change who they hire now.........I think it is ########, it is probably all these new drivers coming out of these mills, but I see their point, especially when they have the luxury of having a huge influx of drivers looking for work, after they got layed off from whatever they were doing before........I am going to have to change my strategy now.....IRT said the same thing when I called.................if it ain't one thing it's another
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2011
  7. riptide11

    riptide11 Bobtail Member

    Sep 19, 2011
    I might have to settle for a Tanker job, out of El Paso, to get the driving experience back up to par, My only call back for a job driving trucks..........the BAD PART???, is that they start you at .28 CPM!!! I laughed when they told me that on the phone, but it looks like I might have to join you for a big ol bowl of CROW
  8. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    riptide11, I wish you the best man keep us informed on your progress..

  9. longtall1960

    longtall1960 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Anytown, USA
    Sitting here at the bunk house waiting to start orientation in the morning.
  10. groundpounder

    groundpounder Road Train Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    If you want to run choose paper logs if you don't want them to run you into the ground choose elogs...
  11. longtall1960

    longtall1960 Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2009
    Anytown, USA
    Me and Zack sat and talked for about 3 hours yesterday. I think we both understand eachother.
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