Caregan Transport Inc Richmond, IN.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by DLCDARR, Dec 3, 2024.


    DLCDARR Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2024
    Caregan Transport Inc use to give out $200.00 advancement in 2014. But slowly they decide to start taking money from drivers, how else can you afford a Hummer and a brand new boat. I know cause they keep me in it.
    Everybody in their office is packing heat. Including the women. Don't try to Sue Caregan Transport Inc, inside the local court, the fix is in. Beware! If you Brown you can hang around, if you White, you alright (maybe) If you Black stay back... Run cause walking is too slow. I drove for Caregan Transport Inc, exactly 20 days and they paid a total of $150. Fifty dollars each Friday for 20 days and they told me when I quit, that I owe them.
    Fredflinstoneswig Thanks this.
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  3. TB John

    TB John Company Shill of BYOB & CBD

    Dec 28, 2008
    Did I read that right? They kept you in a Hummer and new boat? Was this some sort of weird kidnapping thing?
  4. Fredflinstoneswig

    Fredflinstoneswig Bobtail Member

    Oct 3, 2024
    Wishing people listen to your warning my good man. Thank you for letting people know. Too many red flags with this one. You are smart to realize local municipalities can be infiltrated by scumbags. Precinct in Laredo Tx for example gets gifts and flowers from trucking owners. And those officers speak to judges in which I could say almost on the daily. They're all friends and aquaintances. And this is only what is visible imagine what is not. This is why all of us need to put pressure on Mayors to clean house or be voted out of office. Least we can do is expose Mayors so others know to vote them out.
    When new candidates want to take the position we need to ask the questions of them cleaning house. Some innocent people sit in jails and prisons. We shouldn't be afraid. As they wouldn't be afraid or lose any sleep to throw us in jail or prison. Because they take side with their buddies. Instead of serving justice being fair and reasonable.
  5. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    I don't run very good these days. How fast do they chase you?
    TB John Thanks this.
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