Carolina logistics candler nc

Discussion in 'Arnold' started by BoredTrucker27127, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. BoredTrucker27127

    BoredTrucker27127 Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2018
    Does any one have any info on this company. I've only been with them for one week and so far im liking them
    The only bad thing is that all drivers are on a 1099. But ####ing that issue with starting my own business.
    Which they prefer we do.
    Any way what are your thoughts on them?
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  3. Brettj3876

    Brettj3876 Road Train Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    Land of local
    Dispatch from somewhere in the eastern bloc? Or am I thinking of a different company. I had a co-worker come from there and didn't have much good to say about them
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