Hallo, ich fahre seit 20 Jahren Lkw in Deutschland. Jetzt überlege ich, nach Kanada oder in die USA zu gehen, um Lkw zu fahren.
Gibt es in den USA überhaupt eine Chance ohne Green Card?
Und kostet die CDL überall rund 15.000 US-Dollar?
Danke für die Antworten.
CDL for foreigners
Discussion in 'European/Other Countries Truckers Forum' started by Borusse, Dec 2, 2023.
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Ich bin überrascht, dass die CDL so teuer ist. -
Ok danke. Dann ist es im Grunde unmöglich, als Ausländer in Amerika oder Kanada einen Job als Trucker zu bekommen?
OK thanks. Then it's basically impossible to get a job as a truck driver as a foreigner in America or Canada?
Hallo! Wo ein Wille ist, gibt es einen Weg. Ich hoffe, Sie können finden, was Sie suchen. @blairandgretchen
blairandgretchen Thanks this. -
Best option I think for you is to go with a Canadian company they can and will get you over there, where you can then file for permanent residency, which is actually part of the deal they don't just want you coming over for a short time, Canada uses a points system so if you can score the minimum amount of points you literally guaranteed permanent residency, if you speak either French or English you'll get so many points, having a higher education will score you points also, having travelled and studied in Canada will also score you points, once your in Canada most of the larger companies will generally get you to haul cargo into the USA so you'll still get to drive there anyway, which is why I think the Canada option is the best. Check with the large carriers in Canada, Bison is one that hires foreign workers, Agri Fresh (agrifresh.ca) another, just do a google search its amazing what will turn up. Coming from Germany you'll be used to lots of snow so you'll fit right into the Canadian lifestyle.Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
blairandgretchen Thanks this.
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