Central Oregon Trucking Company

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Wolfenslade, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. supersnackbar

    supersnackbar Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2007
    Your Town, USA
    I personally won't ever work for any company that has driver facing cameras OR makes me take pictures of my pretrip. It only makess me feel like they don't trust me to do my job. Outward facing cameras, yes, I can see that being an insurance incentive in case of an accident. But inward facing, there is no scenerio where anyone needs to see inside my cab. And while they say those camera systems are only active for a crash, think again. Those can be activated at any time someone in the office wants to take a peek. They have proof I am doing my job without adult supervision when I am avoiding crashes or get a clean inspection.
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  3. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    I know a few COTC drivers and they say that after awhile they don't watch you on the inside camera. It might take a year or so of no incidents but the longer you're there the more slack they give you.
  4. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    I make $1600-$1800 net. And the company doesn't care what the shipper/receiver tells you, if they refuse to lift your tarps for you, we're supposed to call in and they'll make them do it. We have a 401k. And my health insurance is free. And our driver coaches really do make you feel cared about. The owner of the company sat down to have lunch with us and we met the whole team. It sounds like you're unhappy with where you are. I get it, 60cpm doesn't sound like a lot. And it's not. But these guys keep you rolling. You make money if they can't get you a new load within 1 hour of unloading. Maybe it's not your permanent home. But it might be a decent place to work for a year or two while you find a better fit.
    nextgentrucker, D.Tibbitt and Rugerfan Thank this.
  5. hyperliquidloser

    hyperliquidloser Light Load Member

    Nov 17, 2024
    BRO im been working for COTC for 6 plus years you just started LOL
  6. hyperliquidloser

    hyperliquidloser Light Load Member

    Nov 17, 2024
    they pay good its a good company i dont disagree... just saying you gotta know what your talking about newb... their health stuff has changed.. and the cool coaches left... now we have bruce always in a bad mood... idk dude. im still here making good money. YES they keep me rolling and i make good money. AND IM ##### telling ya bro.... sometimes .... you have to untarp in sketch areas where youll have to move them and if you complain LOL.. well IDK never had that issue can move all my tarps
    Lonesome and nextgentrucker Thank this.
  7. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I may be new to this company, but that doesn't make me a new driver. So far I like what I see. But time will tell. I wish you the best of luck, man.
  8. hyperliquidloser

    hyperliquidloser Light Load Member

    Nov 17, 2024
    dude wtf? ive been here... your new... complain about a shipper not lifting your tarps... give it awhile LOL.. you run quad or OTR? im sure you can get away with it for sure but saying its against company policy is total BS.... you have NO idea where you will be.. 90% of the time yes forklift drivers will put them up... and IDK if your talking about putting up on load? or just on the ground?
  9. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    Maybe things have changed since you were in orientation. But now they're telling us that it is against company policy, and we can get written up for it. We are not to throw our tarps over our load or lift them onto the trailer. We can unroll them over the load, but we cannot lift them up.
    Numb Thanks this.
  10. hyperliquidloser

    hyperliquidloser Light Load Member

    Nov 17, 2024
    oh... i thought you meant just moving them in general... yes obviously on the load.. but on the deck... empty after or before they unload you... idk.. man give it time
  11. Wolfenslade

    Wolfenslade Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2024
    As I said, time will tell. But so far, I'm happy. That's a step up from where I've been.
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