I just bought a Fontaine extendable RGN. Need to get the deck down a good 2 inches or more from where it is at now. 255 70r22.5 is showing 36.4 inch diameter. Looking at continental 245 70r19.5 at 32 inch diameter. Can anyone tell me a drawback to going to these 19.5s?
Changing from 22.5 o 19.5 on rgn
Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by tnc110, Nov 29, 2024.
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19.5s are harder to find and generally don’t last as many miles and are typically at least as expensive You’re going to be into some big money because normal 7x16.5 brakes will not fit in 19.5 rim and the axles likely have welded on brake spiders so you will either have to have them cut off and small ones put on or get different axles. And you’ve just added more components that are harder to find on the road. The only positive thing I can see is you lowered the deck…. I would think you might be able to accomplish this by changing the ride height unless the height over the tires is critical or the tires contact the frame. Also I am pretty sure there’s a 225xxr22.5 tire that might require narrower rims but that would be it.
Oxbow Thanks this. -
I ran 19.5s for several years and the last 9 years have ordered my new equipment with 22.5s which I am much happier with overall. Many of the people in my circle of friends that ran 19.5 made the switch to 22.5. I have one close friend with 19.5s who watches his air pressure religiously and got the same life out of his 19.5 as my 22.5s but I wouldn’t count on that happening.
Oxbow and Deere hunter Thank this. -
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