class A cdl training school

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by hilliard, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. hilliard

    hilliard Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2009
    hilliard, oh
    hey guys im looking for the cheapest cdl class school around that u have attended. Prefably around ohio, columbus but can travel. Im looking for something around 2k. Community schools and votech around here are around 4k. I know u get wat u pay for but i dont have the money and dont want a trucking company mill schools. Training after i get my cdl shouldnt b a problem as my friend is willing to train me. Please help
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  3. dodgeram440rt

    dodgeram440rt Heavy Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    Piqua, Ohio
    Hilliard, Check out Napier Truck Driver Training in Hamilton, OH, just north of Cincinnatti on I-75. Granted, they are in the 4k range, but I wouldn't classify them as a "cdl mill" either. I attended there in August and had a very good experience. See my post on them in this section for more info.

    BTW, if you are looking for cheap schools because of poor finances, look into alternative financing. If you are unmployed or a "displaced worker", contact your local employment office about WIA funding. It is a government grant that will pay for your schooling, including all permits, fees for hazmat fingerprinting, and truck rentals for testing. That is how I attended school.

    Good Luck!
    Rug_Trucker and kickin chicken Thank this.
  4. Texas-Nana

    Texas-Nana Princess Drives-a-Lot

    Apr 23, 2008
    Nana's empty nest

    Send me $20 and I'll send you a paper saying you've got a Nana's Homebrew CDL.

    It won't get you a job or a license but i'll have $20 for lunch.:biggrin_2559:
  5. hilliard

    hilliard Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2009
    hilliard, oh
    dodge ran, im not qualified for any government grant and i work full time. There are some community schools up west and they charge arnund $750 for a 8 weeks course, if i include my motel and gas money it ends up being over 4k
  6. dodgeram440rt

    dodgeram440rt Heavy Load Member

    May 19, 2009
    Piqua, Ohio
    I'm not sure exactly where you are from, but your first post mentions near Columbus. You might check out Clark State Community College in Springfield, OH, about 50-60 miles west on I70. I'm not sure how much they are, but community colleges tend to be among the cheapest courses.
  7. Rc4

    Rc4 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Clark state community college you would be looking at about $4,500 for class A CDL.
  8. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN

    Dude! I am going to school that way! I just called my counselor! She said bring in the paper work and they can probably pay for it!
  9. Rc4

    Rc4 Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Yeah I'm goin WIA myself. need to drop off my final letter to the school so they can get payment sometime this week, probably do that when i go to take my school bus written. When i went to try to get WIA, they told me it would take 2-3 weeks to go thru all the #### of getting the funding, which was total BS, i ended up waiting more like 6-7 weeks. I was worried because i had to take the physical and drug test before would get accepted to both the school, and the WIA thing. For a while there i thought i was gonna not get accepted, and have to pay 90 bucks for that physical and drug test.
    From what the instructor told me is that Montgomery county is one of the few that requires you to pass the physical and drug test before they will fund your schooling.
  10. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
    The work force essentials wanted to do my drug test, the school wouldn't accept it.

    I had to take math, english skills tests before they would fund my schooling.
  11. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    That is sooo cool !! Your name, and the town you're from are the same !! You aren't pullin on my leg, are ya ??
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