The COH (Columbus, OH) terminal is currently adding 100 doors to the facility. Needless to say, there will be a hiring spree and there might already be one underway. Great time to get into ODFL in the area. Dock expansion is expected to be done by Spring 2018 and will add lots of new linehaul runs.
Columbus, OH Terminal Hiring w/ 100 door expansion
Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by 2BucTruck, Feb 25, 2018.
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Lots of expansions going on. Fort Wayne, IN is almost finished adding an additional 70 doors.
Y'all should see the massive distribution plant p&g is building down at inwood wv. Place is gonna be massive. Just one side of the warehouse had easily 100 dock doors worth dock doors on 3 sides
The economy is booming. Time for those millions on welfare and unemployment to get to work.
slim6596, Dan.S, born&raisedintheusa and 1 other person Thank this. -
Chinatown Thanks this.
stayinback Thanks this.
I'll be flying Hainan Airlines in April.....again!Last edited: Feb 26, 2018
stayinback Thanks this. -
God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.! -
OD Just opened a new terminal in Farr West Utah. Not sure on the number of doors though. It's a nice facility.
Need4Speed Thanks this.
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