Combination vehicle rental

Discussion in 'Trucking Schools and CDL Training Forum' started by Wesley10-9, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. Wesley10-9

    Wesley10-9 Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    Does anybody know where I can rent a combination vehicle to practice driving for a road skills test?
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  3. TNSquire

    TNSquire Medium Load Member

    Oct 13, 2016
    Decatur, TN
    Rental places require a class a, proof of insurance, and some require you to be a business entity. Given you’re asking about practicing for a road test, I’m thinking you likely fall short in the necessary docs.
    Diesel Dave and tscottme Thank this.
  4. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Some CDL schools may rent to you. You will need a licensed CDL driver to drive it to the test site for your road test
  5. Wesley10-9

    Wesley10-9 Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    I can’t seem to find a school without paying again and training for a month. I did just want to rent for three, maybe four or five, hours. I’m willing to pay for another entry level driver training course but is there no other option for more drive time? Like, no where? Seriously? Another $3500-4200 for a whole month of all those exercises again vs. two or three hundred dollars for a few hours with an already obtained EDLT certificate and CDL A learner’s permit? I’m honestly at a loss here. Any suggestions would be a great help
  6. Wesley10-9

    Wesley10-9 Bobtail Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    I just don’t know somebody that owns a rig that’ll rent to me AND ride along. I can get a hold of somebody that’ll ride along though
  7. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    I just rented a truck from the college. Think it was about $400 for 2 hours.

    Examiner showed up at the college once a week for road tests so half a dozen people would show up that day and the examiner would do road tests all day.
  8. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    In SOME cities there are trucks for rent fir CDL tests, but you need to search for them. You can use an internet search engine & put in nearby cities and CDL truck rental. Unfortunately you should be active, not just lay on the floor until the answer finds you.

    I've seen signs for this in Amarillo TX, around L.A. CA.

    Hertz, Penske are NOT going to hand over a $100,000 truck to some random stranger with no CDL & lots of commercial insurance.
  9. RomTon

    RomTon Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2024
    Need to find the nearest testing agency.
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