Commercial Waste Route Optimization

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by adam195, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. adam195

    adam195 Bobtail Member

    Jun 8, 2018
    Hi Everyone!,

    I'm currently in an MBA program and am looking for some first-hand information on the commercial waste industry. As part of a class project that my team is working on, we are developing a business case for a route optimization technology to improve the efficiency of commercial waste collection. However, we have very little real-world data to use at this point. I was hoping some of y'all on here might be able to help us out! We are looking to find out how full commercial dumpsters typically are when emptied. Is the average dumpster 90% full, or only 60%? We're just looking for a rough guess, so we'd love feedback from anyone who has some type of experience with this!

    Thank you!,

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  3. Blackshack46

    Blackshack46 Road Train Member

    Fullness depends on location, type of bussiness, day of pick up, time of pick up, etc.

    How are you going to relate real world data when your responses will come 0-100 on the differences scale?

    In my refuse time, commercial dumpsters ranged from empty at pick up, to garbage placed on the side it was so full. Im not happy with that answer because there are to many variables, your question is quite vague and your data will be skewed if you take TTRs respinses as real world, this is how it is data....
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