Those indian companies you see on Craigslist in California hire sap drivers sometimes. But you have to be already working and on step 6 with a good history.
I talked to a few of them and they said. "Yeah we have some drivers who are SAP." Willing to hire if you are green light and have some work history.
Companies or small carriers that hire SAP drivers
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Scorned, Dec 9, 2022.
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On Step 5 of SAP and looking for companies that hire and do RTD test and step 6 for SAP. Also a former felon with only 8 months of OTR experience. Based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
1216 SW 17th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73108Silentthunder53 Thanks this. -
Never was a fan of the 1099
Thanks Chinatown. A local driving company called Hiland Dairy in Oklahoma City, OK called me for an interview and they said they offer RTD and SAP. I will let you all know if it works out or not. Then if not, I will try the company you suggested.
Chinatown Thanks this. -
Lots of additions to my notebook; thanks.
Locations – Hiland Dairy -
Looking for work in Philadelphia PA on step 5 and I’ve been cleared to RTD just having trouble finding a carrier
Chinatown Thanks this.
US Xpress accepted me with SAP in 2023 with a completed RTD. I ended up going with a different company
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Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.
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