thanks for this awesome quote. i have been discouraged bue to all the other quotes. but i feel better now hearing this. i am starting on monday with the same thoughts and goals in mind as you.
Cr England lease
Discussion in 'CR England' started by bre1979, Jul 12, 2008.
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If you go into that contract with CRE you will lose your shirt. Do you honestly think you're going to get 3,000 per week, every week? Wrong. These contracts are set up in the company in mind not the driver.
You are making the mistake of your life by entering into a lease with CRE or any company for that matter.
You need tires? Got enough money for that? No? Oh you'll need an advance. You need repairs? No money? Get an advancel. Deeper and deeper you go.
Get a copy of that lease contract from CRE and have an attorney read it over and explain it to you.
Have you ever wondered why CRE at SLC has armed guards and metal detectors in their building?
You've been warned about this lease deal.
I hope others here back me up.Big Duker Thanks this. -
You don't need backing up. There's VOLUMES here on it. This guy found the 1 post he needed to do what he was already gonna do, and that guy never even came back to say how it went.
If they didn't paint a pretty picture with awesome numbers, no one would fall for it. That guy just had the best recall from the sales pitch of anyone on here.
Theory is like reality, except completely different. -
Hey C R England is the best company to work for in the world. Now that you have seen one good post you can go test em out.
Baack Thanks this.
HIGH turn over is there key to sucess keep the new bees rolling through the door.and getting charged for training.
one of the reasons they stay in busness is low balling fright at the drivers expence .
Your allready there hang tough pay atention with LUCK you'll get a good traainer trere are a few they also have sone realy bad ones.
Take a look at your class 95% will not make it one year are you in the top 5% ?
This happens every week at all there schools .
yesterday was a good day, driving and xome classroom. they actually have a class that sets you straight on rumors. the instructor answers all your questiond s (rumors that you heard) truthfully and honestly. so, if there is ANYTHING on your mind, ask right then. if you wanna quit at that point, then do so. if not, just keep on going. that simple. today we drove again and did some backing. was a good day again. now for the bad part. they jsut recently changed their policy. they have two phases, the first phase WAS 21 days but is NOW 30 days. phase 2 WAS 30 days but is NOW 60 days MANDATORY. YOU WILL BE WITH EITHER A TRAINER AND/OR A LEASE OWNER OPERATOR FOR 90 DAYS MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!
also, the fisrt 30 days there will be 3 people int eh truck. 1 trainer and 2 trainees. when the trainer is sleeping, the trainees are awake, driving observing and so on . when 1 trainee is sleeping the trainer is up training. the trainer DOES NOT DRIVE!!!!!!!. this is an update for now. ill be back soon with moretm2002 Thanks this. -
WOW,3 to a truck?you gotta be kidding me.that could be pretty hard for you for the next month.good luck?
Baack Thanks this. -
LOL i had 2 trainees on my truck long b4 they mandated it. I thought it was cramped but it was fun. But i did drive as well.
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